MATH1011-Applications of Calculus
Ease - 5/10
This is framed from someone with a 2 unit background, the course builds on from a 2unit calculus. Obviously, if you did 3U or 4U in school you would rate the ease much higher. This ease is comparative to the biostats course-both quizzes in calc are decent difficulty, and the assignment requires a little thinking, but they are quite pedantic in the marking. The final, the thing that brings the ease down is the timing to do all the question, as although the paper is MC, the MC take a bit of thinking/working and put you under a crunch in 1.5 hrs.
Lecturer - 7/10
Emma Carberry is quite good, a plus is her notes are quite nice. However on the whole, I preferred Clinton Boys explanations. I don't know how Ross is.
Interest - 5/10
Well it's calculus, if you really like calculus you should obviously be doing a higher maths because this will be a formulaic approach maths for you, where you'll want elegant proofs and what not. To the mathphobes who need the 24cp, chances are there will be parts of it that gel with you more than others. I was quite neutral towards it, hence the rating. I liked the partial diff and the series/sequences, wasn't as keen on other things.
Overall - 6/10
Basically, do this if you did 2 unit or above. 2 unit, you'll find it fair as long as you didn't bomb 2unit in HS. 3 unit/4 unit it should be quite straightforward for you but don't zone out completely. If you did Gen Maths, I'd stronly encourage MATH1111 because this would be super hard without having done 2u.
MATH1015 – Biostatistics
Ease - 7.5/10
It's easier than MATH1011(surprisingly as the last time you touch stats in NSW schooling is like Yr 8), you start off with easy mean/medium/mode stuff, the assignment you can easily get close to full/full marks and the first quiz is very, very easy (basic probability and stuff). Second quiz is harder due to timecrunch and just having to use R a bit which you don't use in the final exam. Final exam is similar deal to MATH1011, timing as the MC can munch up time because you'll be referring to the four statistic tables a lot (Standard, Binom, t-test, Chi)
Lecturer -
I don't feel it is fair to do this as a combined one, I mainly did 8AM due to my experience in 11AM.
Jen Chan-1/10 She can't explain a thing and you will be struggling to hear her as she speaks so softly, fast and unclear.
Shelton Peiris-8/10 He's nice, explains things well and makes stat the most absorbable that is possible at 8AM when you may still be half asleep. Gives revision tips, wishes you luck, a nice touch.
Interest - 6/10
Again, it's just a first years fundies maths course. It's introductory, there's a formula sheet et al. Higher on interest because it was something different for me because I hadn't done stats for ages, and you got to play with R for the quizzes. I liked the regression modelling part and elements of hypothesis testing. Also, I did better in it, so it will always have that slight preference for me
Overall - 6/10
Again, go do harder maths if you have the backing for it. Also, the MATH1005 (normal stats in second sem) looks very similar to this course, they only go slightly more in depth, it may have slightly more favourable, not sure. If you just want the maths cp furfilled, it's good to do this.
CHEM1901 – Chemistry 1A (Advanced)
Ease – 0.5/10
I fulfilled the requirements to do it, hence them suggesting me to enrol in it (*cough* Chris Ling at enrolment day). However, if your furfill the requirements but are at the lower bracket of the chem mark requirement, I'd advice to do normal no matter if they try and con you like they did me, oh and also, if you haven't done physics, they will gloss over stuff because they expect you to know it. Also reconsider it if you are doing SSP/Adv in a couple of other units. I'd recommend CHEM1901 to people that did very well in HSC Chem (i.e HSC mark 90+, ATAR 95+), but also an interest in maybe pursuing chem as a major, or at least some intermediate units in it.
The quizzes are okay, assignment is very easy (cause it's common) but the final exam is very, very hard and almost exclusively calculations.
Lecturer –
Okay Tim Schmidt was a really good lecturer, funny and made you understand things-I was devo when we didn't have him anymore (8.5/10). Chris Ling urgh, (3/10) boring, droned on, skipped so much stuff, or didn't explain things well.
Interest – 4/10
Chem labs are boring, very boring for first year, like a cattle call of every chem unit bar the SSP people (i.e Fundies, Pharmacy, Vet Science are all in there). You should get full marks in them though. They don't relate to the lecture materials at all and feel like a waste of time.
I liked the start of semester subject content on the quantum numbers and shells. I liked the equilibrium calculations. Thermochemistry was errrrr....but I'm more of an organic chem person and it was inorganic central.
Overall – 4/10
Well, I don't quite obsessively love Nate as much as dear someth1ng, but he was a cool chem tutor. Like the course has an interesting elements, I just found it hard personally, but I've never been amazing at chem (it was my 'extra' units in yr 12 that didn't count). Just my 2c.
BIOL1911-Concepts in Biology (Advanced)
Ease – 8/10
If you did well in HSC Biology, this course should be quite straightforward and a nice extension into topics. The three main areas covered are Biomolecules, Genetics and Evolution. The prac concepts are well enforced and explained, concepts are explained well in lectures.
Lecturer – 8/10 (overall)
Danny Liu (10/10)-Danny is amazing and you are so lucky if you ever have a lecture with him or he's in your labs. The most dedicated USYD professor I've met thus far, literally responds to an email in a minute flat.
Ben Oldroyd(8.5/10)-This guy knows his genetics well, his lectures are very engaging and he was sometimes around the SSP labs so I got to chat to him for a bit. I hear his personality is either love or hate though, so be warned, people are very polarised on this front.
Murray Thompson (7/10)-Very enthusiastic, walks around the lecture hall a lot, loves stereogenesis. Sometimes gets too excited and rushes explanations, plus not much in the way of lecture notes, but still good.
Min Chen (3/10)-Oh Min Chen, she knows a lot about photosynthesis but finds it hard to get this excitement across to the students or explain things to student, it's like if PSII is not functioning with light excitement in a chloroplast.
Madeleine Beekman (9/10)-Madeleine is great, funny, knows a lot about population genetics, so passionate about animals. Incorporated the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Simpsons into her slides so props for that.
Nate Lo (8/10)-You don't have many lectures with Nate, but explains mtDNA and electrogelphoresis well, knew him more through the SSP labs.
Interest – 9/10
I adored this class and it was my fave subject this semester because I had a lovely lab bench crew, labs were really great and our lab demo was amazing. Also the content of lectures interested me a lot, and as keen as I was for the genetics part, I actually really loved the evolution/population genetics part of the course.
Overall – 9/10
If you have the credentials definitely do 1911, or alternatively the SSP in this course 1991 (you can only do SSP in one bio as your prac classes are combined).
BIOL1903-Human Biology Special Studies
Ease – 8/10
Again if you did HSC Bio well, you'll be like 'oh yeah, I've touched on the basics of this before and it's just extending it'. The only reason the ease is lower is that the SSP labs take a bit more reading and understanding and involvement than the normal human bio labs. You'll need to understand your stuff to write a good report and do a good group presentation for the prac class.
Oh and just a note, this was the first year they ran SSP in Bio. From what I observed, if you are doing both bios in first sem like I did, the SSP prac course would probably link better doing 1991. See doing Human Bio, it's completely separate from the lecture material, you don't reinforce the lecture stuff with pracs or workshops and we don't have to do HB Online, but then you need to know the lecture stuff really well for the exam. So yeah, something to consider lol. They may take our suggestions on board for the next running of this course. Still I assume the scaling accounted for this because this ended up being my best subject in the end, but just my opinion that I'd probs recommend doing the prac course through 1991.
Lecturer – 7/10
Oh there were so many for this course, you only had them for 2-3 lectures each. Just refer to above for an idea, and I just wasn't a fan of Osu Lilje's lecture style.
Interest – 9/10
Some parts of lecture series mundane, but the prac course was exceptional and I loved it.
Overall – 8.5/10
Getting to do the report on our mtDNA was very open ended and seeing as we hadn't really done prac reports before, a little daunting but very rewarding in the end.
Group work was good in this class, because cohort was like the comb med kids plus other amazing bio students, state rankers and the like. Our group research was very like, use what we taught you in the first few weeks to design and delegate yourselves. It was on wildlife forensics and we got an unknown sample that we had to identify ourselves and look at quarantine and other implications
I'd highly recommend Bio SSP to anyone that got the 90+ in HSC bio or the 99+ ATAR

Very rewarding and a great cohort.