Should i change my DP?
Re: Hot Hatches for sub-30k

Learn to not be one
You're butthurt, what type of child says this shitJaps have not came up with their own concept and are all copies of euros. the first cars on this planet were euros, and stay true to their originality and character. take a mazda 3 and hop in one to feel the absolute dullness of it. feels like a machine. its like buying a fridge.. something to get the job done. mass produced cheap and nasty! take a cooper s and look at what they have created! its been a classic since the first was released. character, class and performance.
my point is that japs came in second and have been copying euros since day one. everyone knows this! mazda 2 is just an alfa 147..
if they could come up with something purely jap and nothing copied id lay off them.
anyway who buys a DSG if they want a driving experience? the manuals were solid as hell. ps they did recall DSG anyway..
VW own Bugatti so i don't know why you're even trying to say skylines and evos even compare.. mitsubishi make microwaves and A/C stick to that you can't make a car!!!!!!!!!!
And yes the swift is a copy of the mini. the sport is known to be based off the cooper s. flat top roof copied. ect...
euros kill japs and it hurts to read all the ricer lovers.. i just don't get how you've come to it.. mclaren f1 vs skyline or whatever the 'great' map car is.. wouldn't even compare to the performance/engineering/performance!
Learn to not be one