Extremely happy with the exam. Scored 75% in CSSA, which was good i thought

. But after doing all past papers (2001-2012) averaging 85-95, I'd expect a Band 6 from this for sure.
Section 1:
Got 22/25.... I ALWAYS get 3 wrong... haha. But Question 3 I got wrong -.- was the stupidest mistake, forgot to add the $50 wet weather allowance... who the fk has wet weather allowance.... OHH its raining today, ILL GIVE YOU $50.
Section 2:
Q26. (15/15) Found this question easy. All were good, and the answer regarding Michael and bowling, it was WRONG as both probabilities didn't consider the score of 100.
Q27. (11-15/15) Not bad, but still difficult. Fk Lucy rides her bike from 8am - 6pm... I found the Australian Taxation Office question a bit strange. Not sure if I got that one right, but fingers crossed. Also the percentage error question in regards to the wooden chopping board was worded strange, so not too sure what to expect.
Q28. (13-14/15) Found this question quite easy. I know I lost marks when stating the equation... I put y = 6x + 80... when it should of been h = 6a + 80.... So ill lose 1 mark there i rekon. Other than that, the dividend yield was a bit challenging. I put it as a percentage, so im not sure if they reward it.
Q29. (13-14/15)The hardest out of all question imo, but I rekon i nailed most of it. Finding 'W' was so difficult, i attempted to find it, and ended up doing the exact same as what was on the paper. HAHA. But i just guess and check and found it W = 8. So i just made it real messy so the markers can think I was doing it line by line

. Also the standard deviation question was good, except I rounded the answer she needed from 59.8 to 60. So I'm hoping theyll accept that. The rest was good. FYI, (29E) was in a previous paper, like the exact same shit.
Q30.(14-15/15) #mint.
Sorry for the messy forum post, just quite excited that I will most probably get a Band 6

Raw mark: 88-95/100!
Happy Studying <3