thanks. i keep forgetting about organic solutes.
just realised i forgot to ask a question.
QUESTION : Evaluate the importance of Boveri and Sutton's experiments in our current understanding of inheritance and genetics
I always get these people confused...
Boveri- worked with sea urchins, and discovereed that 50% of the chromosomes come from the mothr and 50 came from the father, therefore he made a connection between chromosomes and hereditary. He also discovered that a full set of chromosomes was required for normal growth
Sutton- worked with grasshoppers, discovered that chromosomes halved during meiosis, and the number of chromosomes recombined afterr fertilisation. Also suggestd mendels factors were located in chromosomes
Both independently came up with the chromosomal theory of inheritence. This understanding allowed us to understand mendel's experiment and results better. Allowed us to understand that chromosomes played a role in inherritance, and hence more research with chromosomes were conducted when scientists dealed with inheritance.
Question- outline significant historical events which lead to our current understanding of malaria