re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Discuss how a biopolymer you have studied is synthesised and compare it's uses to polyethylene (4 marks)
The biopolymer biopol can be produced from a culture of bacteria, namely Alcaligenes eutrophus or Ralstonia eutrophus, fed with high carbohydrates and valeric acid with restriction to nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. The polymer is stored as excess energy in the bacteria which is isolated, purified, dissolution with chloroform, (and something else...).
Biopol can be used for medical application such at suture and stiches. This is because it is biodegradable, having the ability to degrade into natural compounds, and also is biocompatible, meaning it is not recognised as foreign material in living organisms.
Polyethylene has 2 forms depending on the conditions it is produced, lo-density or high-density. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) contains unbranched chains accounting for its hgih rigidity, density and strength, therefore can be used as shampoo bottles, chemical containers, rubbish bins. LOw density polyethlyene can be used to make cling wrap and plastic cups.
Biopol can also be used as a replacement for some products made by HDPE such as shampoo bottles because of its non-toxic nature, high tensile strength, water resistant but vulnerable to chlorinated substances
This is a low-quality answer because it is produced on a
computer by tpying, we know everyone writes more sophisticated and clearer answers on paper