Which university? Student life/ courses/ etc (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
I went to UNSW for an open day as well as a biology excursion and HATED it. Honestly I don't care how good it is academically wise, I'd never go to a uni that is so bleak and lacking life.

Not to be racist by any means, but I would have been lucky if I saw 20 white people the whole day (even the ones that I did see looked like they'd spent their last year in an isolation cell, devoid from human contact). Everyone else was head in books, music in ears all walking around in their little social/cultural groups.
Yeah not racist at all. why the fuck would you care if there's "er mah gerd too many asians." Welcome to the 21st century asian parenting where they'll belt you until you get into a good uni. Asians are everywhere in every single uni in the world. Time to get used to it buddy.

hah UNSW bleak and lacking life. Guess somebody never heard of UNSW hosting the biggest uni parties in sydney. You know why everybody looks bleak and shit during the day? because they're actually trying to get shit done, then they drink it all off at the unibar.

Of course people are going to be busy reading books and try to relax while at uni. Nigga i'm on break when i'm on break, aint no time to make friends or some shit. Pretty much EVERY school has people hanging out with their same social/cultural groups. Seems like somebody has been reading too many diversity brochures where a asian kids, black kid, arab, white boy and some cantidentifyrace girl hangs out all together having a jolly time.

I have white friends at UNSW. I have Asian friends. I have brown friends. I have all sorts of friends. It's what YOU make of it.

In an English excursion to Usyd I heard someone some guy say "omg, I've really excelled in physics this semester". Needless to say it was also off my list.
so you're not going to the top 2 schools of this state just because of those reasons and one of the top schools in the world because 1. too many asians and 2. someone was happy about their physics grade?

You'll be sad when you go to Macquarie and UTS where there's even more asians.

on topic:

According to my u syd friend he hated the food and the social life there, he much preferred it when he studied at UNSW and regretted transferring.


Feb 26, 2008
hah UNSW bleak and lacking life. Guess somebody never heard of UNSW hosting the biggest uni parties in sydney.
That's become a self fuelling fact though, a lot of people from other universities go to UNSW parties because they have heard this and so have their friends and so on. Helps that they have the best venue of any Sydney university for large events. Interesting that UNSW Oktoberfest is cancelled this year though.

You'll be sad when you go to Macquarie and UTS where there's even more asians.
In my experience UTS has been very diverse.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
That's become a self fuelling fact though, a lot of people from other universities go to UNSW parties because they have heard this and so have their friends and so on. Helps that they have the best venue of any Sydney University for large events. Interesting that UNSW Oktoberfest is cancelled this year though.

In my experience UTS has been very diverse.
Oktoberfest being cancel probably has to do with too many people drinking and trashing the oval. they have been warned that oktoberfest might be cancelled if shit like that happens.


Sep 8, 2012
Yeah not racist at all. why the fuck would you care if there's "er mah gerd too many asians." Welcome to the 21st century asian parenting where they'll belt you until you get into a good uni. Asians are everywhere in every single uni in the world. Time to get used to it buddy.

hah UNSW bleak and lacking life. Guess somebody never heard of UNSW hosting the biggest uni parties in sydney. You know why everybody looks bleak and shit during the day? because they're actually trying to get shit done, then they drink it all off at the unibar.

Of course people are going to be busy reading books and try to relax while at uni. Nigga i'm on break when i'm on break, aint no time to make friends or some shit. Pretty much EVERY school has people hanging out with their same social/cultural groups. Seems like somebody has been reading too many diversity brochures where a asian kids, black kid, arab, white boy and some cantidentifyrace girl hangs out all together having a jolly time.

I have white friends at UNSW. I have Asian friends. I have brown friends. I have all sorts of friends. It's what YOU make of it.

so you're not going to the top 2 schools of this state just because of those reasons and one of the top schools in the world because 1. too many asians and 2. someone was happy about their physics grade?

You'll be sad when you go to Macquarie and UTS where there's even more asians.

on topic:

According to my u syd friend he hated the food and the social life there, he much preferred it when he studied at UNSW and regretted transferring.
chill, bro.. just my opinion, dont cut over it or anything fuck


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
you went to 2 "open days" and decide to pass judgement. maybe you shouldn't be too hasty on your judgement and listen to people who actually been to uni instead of trying to advice others.


May 1, 2011
You'll be sad when you go to Macquarie and UTS where there's even more asians.
To be perfectly honest I'm half asian with 3 asian friends and we're just about the minority group at UTS. It's pretty diverse here, not that the ethnography of the university should matter.


Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
I think USyd is rather diverse - we have a lot of white people but we also have quite a lot of asians and curries.

In an English excursion to Usyd I heard someone some guy say "omg, I've really excelled in physics this semester". Needless to say it was also off my list.
I think that's a pretty stupid way to rule out a university choice.


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
I have no idea which uni to go to, or which ones are better, etc.

I really want to make sure i go to one where the clubs are friendly, the people are genuinely nice, and the courses are really good... and the university has a nice feel about it.

Any opinions and/or suggestions?
100% always advocate choosing the course and then the uni.

I.e picking the best uni for your course

Most unis fit the bill of good clubs, friendly people and having good courses in their faculties of excellence. And many unis have a nice feel, you can grasp this more yourself by doing open days, talking to students etc.

Also a consideration is where you live, if you live in Sydney, I doubt you'd be considering UWA and stuff like that.


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
Not all uni's have friendly people..but in terms of universities in Sydney, I'd go with UNSW and UTS as most friendly.

Go to Uni open days and talk to people who have already experienced the uni lifestyle..
it's very subjective

UNSW - I didn't like at all
The feeling wasn't right, and it didn't seem ~friendlier~ than other unis
UTS - is ugly

So it depends on the person, check out the unis yourself.
In the city I much preferred USyd.

Never checked out MacQ or anywhere that doesn't offer med (apart from UTS because you can see it from anywhere in the city pretty much, ruining the skyline…)


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
It's worth pointing out that one of the main reasons UWS is the "worst for social life" is due to how many campuses there are, many offering the same courses. Makes it very difficult for clubs/societies to function.
Yep… starting a club that you want to span a few campuses is actually fucking impossible (well, close to it).

That's why med social life is good at UWS. The course is offered at one campus and a lot of the people are like ~crazy go-getters~ and stuff.

I went to the open day for UWS, UTS and USYD.
UWS (Campbelltown): Bad, it didn't feel like a university to me. Rather like a college. People were smoking, drinking... I was surrounded by hobos.
USYD: I liked it, but it felt too formal. I mean, like it was hard to talk to anyone... and everyone was shy and quite. Felt awkard.
UTS: Best of the three (not being bias). From my personal experience, this was the best open day for me. I spoke to an ex-student for ~30 mins about the course. People were so friendly and started commuicating the moment I set foot into the tower building lol
UNSW: My mate goes there and says that the social life is just as good.
not ~literal~ hobos
Also, I've only drank at UWS like 6/7 times!!1!

In first sem at USyd I drank pretty much every day.


(Also, shy and quiet? That wasn't my impression of USyd at all. I guess it depends who you talk to :p)

Really dont see how social life comes in. Surely you pick the university which is best for the degree you want to study?
I need social life too

I think a lot of people do

If you're going to be somewhere for 3-7 years you want to make it fun!

Yeah not racist at all. why the fuck would you care if there's "er mah gerd too many asians." Welcome to the 21st century asian parenting where they'll belt you until you get into a good uni. Asians are everywhere in every single uni in the world. Time to get used to it buddy.

hah UNSW bleak and lacking life. Guess somebody never heard of UNSW hosting the biggest uni parties in sydney. You know why everybody looks bleak and shit during the day? because they're actually trying to get shit done, then they drink it all off at the unibar.

Of course people are going to be busy reading books and try to relax while at uni. Nigga i'm on break when i'm on break, aint no time to make friends or some shit. Pretty much EVERY school has people hanging out with their same social/cultural groups. Seems like somebody has been reading too many diversity brochures where a asian kids, black kid, arab, white boy and some cantidentifyrace girl hangs out all together having a jolly time.

I have white friends at UNSW. I have Asian friends. I have brown friends. I have all sorts of friends. It's what YOU make of it.

so you're not going to the top 2 schools of this state just because of those reasons and one of the top schools in the world because 1. too many asians and 2. someone was happy about their physics grade?

You'll be sad when you go to Macquarie and UTS where there's even more asians.
i think he meant he felt unwelcome by some of the cultural/Asian groups there
Which is understandable since there are so many societies devoted towards nationality there that other people aren't really welcomed to join
And I don't think there's a WhiteSoc
I don't think anyone would join it if there was one anyway
But imagine it the other way around if Asians were made to feel unwelcome and stuff by a society it would be "white Australia all over again" and stuff.
So I don't see how being the other way is helpful.
I personally, like the buildings better at USyd, the location was better (still not gr8 for me), and there was less focus on racial clubs which I thought was good because I like to make friends with everyone, not just the white kids, which is what I would've felt pressured to do a UNSW.

(And MacQ and UTS don't have this much of a cultural barrier)

Also, my friend group in med at UWS has me (first fleet white and a little Austrian/Jew), a girl who is Chilean/white Australian, a girl who is Vietnamese Australian, a girl who is Indian Australian, and a guy who is Arab Australian.
That's pretty much the brochure. Lol
But even some of my friends who are different races started hinting to me how they preferred hanging with their own race before we started going to uni and they chose UNSW and I was like :/

Also, the physics thing I think he meant to write "accelled" and he just hates puns. Lol

Thoughts on UOW in terms of social life, diversity, friendliness and courses? I'm considering going there for Bachelor of Arts/Laws. :O
don't do it

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