You'll be fine guys, there's still a long way to go to the end anyway

Mine were:
English Belonging Paper: Well in the short answer (only part that counted toward our assessment mark and worth 5%) and creative writing, poorly in the essay because I ran out of time :/ Talked about my Prescribed text for way too long.
English Paper 2 (worth 0%): I was happy with the question, hoping for like 16/20-17/20.
Ext 1 English (worth 0%): Awful. But mainly because I had Legal on the same day and I didn't study much.
Maths Advanced (worth 30%): Probably got in the 50's out of 68 because of a few silly mistakes. I'll be okay with that though. There was also like 6-7 marks I outright know I got wrong (3 marks probability, one silly geometry mistake, 3 marks from a topic we haven't even studied yet!) This was made from HSC Past papers.
Maths Extension (worth 30%): Honestly quite a lot better than I thought it would be. No idea. I'm sure I passed at least though. Maybe in the 60's-70% range idk. Again this was made from HSC past papers.
Ancient (worth 20%): This was annoyingly easy, I wish it had been more of a challenge. I would hope 95-100% and an easy 1st place. The teacher basically told us what the questions would be!
Legal (worth 15%): Again, this was easy although most likely because I studied well. Hope for somewhere around 90% in this although I'm sure she could easily dock marks on the extended responses.
CAFS (worth 10%): The most difficult CAFS exam I've ever seen, this was an evil paper but I get why the teacher did it. The short answer sections and long responses were really good for me and I just finished them on time (many other people didn't finish the exam). The multiple choice on the other hand.... there was no giveaway marks, I know I dropped like 5 marks here which is unacceptable. He told us after he grabbed the 15 hardest multiple choices from the early 90's to now and use them. Uhmm lets just hope I get in the 80's lol. Multiple Choice will be the vast majority of those lost marks.
Overall mostly happy. The ones I think I did fairly well in are the ones that count more so