Look mate, i don't want to crush your dreams, but you are being quite
nieve and it seems like you haven't some enough and appropriate research. There are people who get 99+ (even 99.95) who do UMAT and still dont get into medicine. For UNSW medicine, for them to even look at your application you need a 96 (it is very rare for someone to get into medicine with a 96, the UNSW median like 99+). When you say you want go do medicine as 'fast and cheap' it seems both
nieve and that you may not be wanting to do medicine for the right reasons. I think you best bet would be to try for graduate medicine and for the current moment do bachelor of advanced science at sydney uni. this not only prepares you for gamsat and medicine, but also if the medicine thing doesn't work out, its a great backup to work with. I know this is not what you want to hear, but i garuntee it this is the best advice. also from now on i would recommend you start doing (plenty) research and planning three years in advance, thats what people who get into medicine actually do. this is not to put you down, but to keep it real
