Well okay, sounds like I at least got 17 then

Anyway, here's my thoughts on them:
5 - The question asks about carers not the cared for, so I went with C.
8 - I'm not sure about this either, I was tossing up between B and C, but went with C because I thought education was most at risk and I didn't see that security and safety was a risk at all, whereas sense of identity could be as, might be judged being a pregnant teen in today's society, can't relate to friends etc. But again, not sure about that one!
10 - I actually drew a quick sketch of both the column and line graphs and thought that the line looked the clearest, and showed the trends between years a lot more clearly.
20 - I wasn't sure about this either, but I thought B was closest to the
rights I'd seen in my notes. A - closer to responsibilities, C - I didn't think they were
rights, more like community responsibility etc, and D - yeah the discipline made me rule that out.
Overall I thought the test was pretty good though!