Stingy as in rostering hardly anyone on, expecting you to make your customer the number one priority, do every job and get out on time? Or a different reason...
that, and we can't actually close the store atm because they don't wanna pay for repairs to the roller doors.
as for the injury report, I'm not exactly sure how, but I'm told any injuries at work or as a result of work need to be reported within 24hrs, presumably so they can fix the issue asap. maybe talk to a manager about it.
as for SCO pack up, ours is a little different, print cash report, go to pos, log off and I think we have the newest models of sco machines so this might be a little more relevant to a new setup I think, but we tend to take out certain things on certain nights lately, and some nights we take out EVERYTHING, so I guess it depends on what they want taken out. but on a normal night this is what our store does. it's not too dis-similar to t360s post but little details that might be all the difference of what you're looking for I guess
open up the bottom door, top right at note accptor, open door take out gray box yellow handle, open by pinching yellow tab on bottom, take notes out, make sure yellow springy thing is flat.
in line with that at bottom of machine, little flap door with hole in it, open flap take out gray plastic box, empty coins.
rubber band the notes and put in the same bag after the coins.
always have at least 2 people (security reasons, you can vouch for each other that no one stole unless you both take a cut

) and always make sure the camera can see you and you're hands at all times, and keep hands out of pockets.
oh and don't leave the keys in the machine