To be completely honest, I felt that the Advanced exam was overall quite underwhelming.
Belonging was not challenging at all (besides some dodgy creative stimulus clearly taken from a health insurance pamphlet) and even though I'm an incredibly slow reader (I am not exaggerating, the last book I read for my own enjoyment was way back in year 7 and before that I wasn't a heavy reader at all and since year 7 I have maybe read a grand total of 4.5 books in total of english texts, including this year, so my reading speed is honestly like a snail) I managed to skim through every text in section 1 and take into consideration answers to the questions in the reading time. The short response section and the essay question were virtually the same as the CSSA catholic paper, even the question on imagery in S1 seemed like a cut and paste from the CSSA, so given that my marks were 13/15 and 15/15/ respectively, probably about the same this time round.
I felt modules were a lot better in terms of difficulty but still reasonably easy to answer. Mod A was a blessing of a question for Frankenstein/Blade Runner, and also given that I'd already answered virtually the same question in the CSSA catholic trial and gotten 19/20 for it, i'm expecting roughly the same. Hamlet was asking for quite a lot in your response but I feel like I answered it quite well so hoping for 18+ in it. The Conflicting Perspectives question was probably the hardest, or at least the most cryptic, so I'm not 100% confident with my response but I'm content with the way I handled it so 17+ is probably a reasonable expectation.
In terms of writing booklets, averaging 6-10 words a line I wrote;
Belonging -
S1: 8.5 pages
S2: 9 pages
S3: 9 pages
Modules -
S1: 9 pages
S2: 10 pages
S3: 9 pages
I was estimated at 95 for Advanced by my school which I think is about right. 93-96 I reckon, but who knows, maybe I really messed up and barely made the Band 6 cut off...