I'd like to emphasise this element.
I'm not having a go at you Hayabusaboston, I've noticed your attitude ever since you joined. You were initially VERY ARROGANT whereas now I can see that you are trying to be more humble but sometimes your messages (despite being well-intentioned) are misinterpreted by the BoS community. What I think you should do is work on trying to become less "work-oriented" in terms of personality ie always talking about school, IQ and whatnot and basically being less creepy.
I've read some of your poems on your website, and boy, some of them made me cringe. You're not bad looking, it's just you sometimes come off as quite egotistic and obsessive with the academics. Lower it a notch but hey, that's my opinion. Regard it as useful advice or an absolute pile of bullshit - No skin off my nose.