Dear Secret Crush no. 1
EVen though I hardly ever talked to you before, and even now we dont talk much, you just stole my heart from the moment I looked at you. You have the sexiest legs, and your hair's like a wonderful silky river. You have such a beautiful face, amazing eyes, the most perfect lips and nose, like an adorable teddy bear

. You're the smartest girl ive ever ever met, friggin aced MX2 lol. You are all round perfect. But now you're so far away, its unlikely i'll see you for a fair while, at least until I finish school and go to Uni. I hope you one day look upon me as more than a friend, if thats ever possible LOL. If not, then Im happy to still be friends

but I love you with all my heart, you mean the world to me and always will
Dear Secret crush number 2: You were right when you said "You can't say you're attracted to girls when you ask them out, they say no, then you immediately switch to another girl with no remorse". Ive switched so many times, and not felt it, but trying to switch from you is ridiculously difficult. You have the perfect curves, and with that a good mind and a good personality. You're a very rare one, quite splendid I say

indeed, although it seems my chances are over, it was fun hoping for something
Number 2 shouldnt really be there actually haha, cos it WAS a crush but now its gone lol