Re: UWS Chatter Thread
really? how do you know all these really cool facts?!?
Im actually really interested in the whole cannibalism like to read up on survival and the effects of eating similar flesh and stuff. Not that I want to do it but just for that extra bit of knowledge.
You know in germany a few years ago, two men were stuck in the snow. One of the men was weaker than the other and the stronger one tells the weaker one "im sort of hungry" and the weaker one says "yes so am i". and the weaker one actually insisted on the stronger one to eat the weaker one's leg. so they started cutting the weaker one's leg and the stronger dude ate from it and the weaker dude ate his own leg too. The weaker one eventually died. The stronger one survived and he actually kept the human meat and kept them in his freezer :/
he was taken to court for murder but i dont think he got prosecuted.
Lol our tutorial was on starvation last week haha
heard something similar where some dude in the US i think put an ad asking for someone to eat (no joke). Someone responded and he went over to his place to be eaten.
The eater videotaped the whole thing, including the other person consenting to wanting to be eaten.
The guy then ate him and the eater was taken to court,
Poses an interesting ethical question: if a man wants to be eaten, and someone eats them, is it murder?
something for you lawyers to check out