Who is the idiot who says engies, actuaries, lawyers, dentists and real estate agents whatever make more?
Srsly mate. Shut up. Actuaries peak at 200k for a very very senior head of department. There's like...15 such jobs in Aus? Engies, lol, you're joking. Very senior engies are able to hit 200k, maybe 250k, but this is harder than med school tbh. You need to be the top of your profession. Dentists start off on more, but we overtake them, and lawyers, real estates, etc, lol that's a joke. They make NOTHING.
The point I'm trying to make is, stop being an idiot and talking about things you know nothing of. You're saying Doctors don't make much to convince yourself you can still be gr8 without doing med, because you won't get in. Amirite or amirite? The thing to remember is, yes, not all doctors make 2 mil that some private surgeons do, but that the bell curve for doctors salary is skewed in such a way that even the lowest, most average doctor will still make twice, if not three times, as much as any other profession. Will all doctors buy yachts and drive lambos? No. Some will, some won't. Will all doctors live well above the average? Yes.