Sorry for straying off-topic, but because we don't have SCO at our store its boring me

. I've got a quick question: I maybe doing a Saturday by myself sometime in the not-to-distant future, open to close (8am-5pm). Its virtually the same as what you do of a night-time close, right? Except you rip the magazines and stuff?
I've done Saturdays with other supervisors before and just done lunchbreaks and shtuff but thats about it.
Also, for all those guys and girls who work in stores where cigarettes can only be sold from smokeshop (which is presumably all states in Australia now), do you allow customers to bring stuff they wanna buy from inside the store out the front at smokeshop, or do you force them to go through another checkout/lane and pay? Do you allow people to save transactions to add cigarettes to their bill? Or is this illegal?
Apparently we have to cut back on serving stuff from inside the store on smokeshop now, as people just walk out the front and we presume products have already been purchased and don't scan them, so the customer practically steals the stuff. No one has been enforcing it until today. I'm just waiting to get abused to the shithouse now.
Christ, its not like we make the law. When will you people understand that?!?!?!
Completely unrelated note, checkout the babe