Tested on Non-Syllabus Content (1 Viewer)


Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
What happens if this occurs? Our first assessment for Physics will be coming soon and our teacher isn't good - he teaches crap that we don't need to know and tests us on it. Not the syllabus content that we need to know.

School Rank: ~35
Typical # Band 6: 1-3
Cohort Size: 70

See the problem? There's people that know nothing about what's needed in the HSC that get decent ranks and marks while people that know everything needed for the HSC don't go as well. It's very unfair.

The teacher himself believes that it is in the syllabus and pretty much never tells us that it's not in the syllabus - he thinks that he's top shit when nobody understands anything that he teaches. Board of Studies even states that "Such material is not to be set as part of school-based assessment of Board syllabuses that contributes to the Higher School Certificate assessment."

Afew things I want to double check:
Torque vs Time graph and emf vs Time graph at "switch on" and "switch off" - I haven't seen any textbook talk about switch on/off graphs.
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Awesome Member
Jan 31, 2011
My couch
Uni Grad
You need to read more textbooks then =P It has certainly come up in textbooks and the HSC before, and it would be pretty overwhelming if you had never seen it before.
They've also had questions with the voltage/current in the primary and secondary loop over time in a transformer.


What happens if this occurs? Our first assessment for Physics will be coming soon and our teacher isn't good - he teaches crap that we don't need to know and tests us on it. Not the syllabus content that we need to know.

School Rank: ~35
Typical # Band 6: 1-3
Cohort Size: 70

See the problem? There's people that know nothing about what's needed in the HSC that get decent ranks and marks while people that know everything needed for the HSC don't go as well. It's very unfair.

The teacher himself believes that it is in the syllabus and pretty much never tells us that it's not in the syllabus - he thinks that he's top shit when nobody understands anything that he teaches. Board of Studies even states that "Such material is not to be set as part of school-based assessment of Board syllabuses that contributes to the Higher School Certificate assessment."

Afew things I want to double check:
Torque vs Time graph and emf vs Time graph at "switch on" and "switch off" - I haven't seen any textbook talk about switch on/off graphs.
You need to take the responsibility for your own education into your own hands. Download the syllabus and read over it. Torque/time and EMF/time are both in the course, but switch on/switch off means nothing really? I mean, at switch off the coil would slow down, with momentum providing some torque, and emf would decrease.


Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
You need to take the responsibility for your own education into your own hands. Download the syllabus and read over it. Torque/time and EMF/time are both in the course, but switch on/switch off means nothing really? I mean, at switch off the coil would slow down, with momentum providing some torque, and emf would decrease.
Yeah, the problem is stuff like switch on/off which he might test us on. I am following the syllabus but the teacher testing things that aren't on the syllabus and hence affecting my rank and my marks is what is getting on my nerves.


Awesome Member
Jan 31, 2011
My couch
Uni Grad
Hey at least your teacher teaches. In year 11 and term 4 of year 12, mine never taught. When he did, he was completely wrong (such as saying that there was a force keeping satellites up, or else they would fall to the ground). Sadly the first few times I tried to correct him but when everyone took in with blind faith what he said, I just gave up.

The emf/torque graphs over time when the circuit is switched on/off have been tested before, and are in many textbooks (if you want an example, in2Physics). But why are you nitpicking on such a tiny tiny part of EVERYTHING he's taught you, and harping on how he shouldn't have taught you that. You can't entirely blame him for your marks, and honestly you have to understand that you often have to teach yourself where teachers fail. Even sleeping throughout the nonsense videos/copious textbooks photocopies my term 4 teacher dumped upon us, by learning myself I still did well in the grade for term 4 assessments. Luckily at the beginning of this year, I got a new great teacher =)

So yeah man just try to learn it by yourself; if you need help always try asking us on Bored of Studies and we'll all try our best to help you.
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Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
Hey at least your teacher teaches. In year 11 and term 4 of year 12, mine never taught. When he did, he was completely wrong (such as saying that there was a force keeping satellites up, or else they would fall to the ground). Sadly the first few times I tried to correct him but when everyone took in with blind faith what he said, I just gave up.

The emf/torque graphs over time when the circuit is switched on/off have been tested before, and are in many textbooks (if you want an example, in2Physics). But why are you nitpicking on such a tiny tiny part of EVERYTHING he's taught you, and harping on how he shouldn't have taught you that. You can't entirely blame him for your marks, and honestly you have to understand that you often have to teach yourself where teachers fail. Even sleeping throughout the nonsense videos/copious textbooks photocopies my term 4 teacher dumped upon us, by learning myself I still came first in the grade for term 4 assessments. Luckily at the beginning of this year, I got a new great teacher =)

So yeah man just try to learn it by yourself; if you need help always try asking us on Bored of Studies and we'll all try our best to help you.
The issues with our teacher is that he sometimes makes quite afew mistakes - he correctedd himself after I told him atleast...unlike yours. He goes off-topic every lesson and then sets up afternoon lessons to catch up when it shouldn't be necessary if he had taught us in the time that he could have. Alot of people have been disadvantaged if they can't come to the lessons.

Also, I'm not blaming him for my marks - I'm in the top 10 with a cohort of about 70.

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