there is officially 1065 people who have commented under the question "what is god?"
myself included that is 1066. is it just me or do people really have nothing better to do with their lives? (dont return that question to me, im on here for a specific reason and that is to avoid having to study because that is my other alternative)
i read lyk the first so many pages of this and then got bored because i am only capable of listening to people amuse themselves over the irrelevent for so long before i get bored.
truth be told people, the existance of god is completely and utterly inconsequencial. if you dont want to believe in god, dont. if you do want to believe in god then do. As they say, we dont have to accept each others beliefs but we do have to accept each others right to believe them. As someone said earlier religion is a man made creation. that is undetestable. in my opinion religion is the second most stupidest thing about humanity because it asesses aspects of philosophy that need never really be explored. whether god exists or not has no effect on the fact i have a legal studies exam on thursday, nor will it make a difference if i wake up late like i did today and get stuck in traffic on the way to school. if your wondering what the first most stupidest thing about humanitiy is i'll tell you. its our need to question the completely unnessesary and convince one another about how one perspective is more right than the other when really it doesnt matter what the other persons perspectives are, just rather that they are individualistic enough to have them. what i believe will never effect you in any way nor will your beliefs ever effect me (unless ur a preecher or someone trying to convert me to your religious faith in which case i'd just get annoyed and angry and start swearing at u with agressive language because i dont believe anyone has any right to tell me what i can and cant believe, because that has no effect on anyone else but me).
As Alice Roosevelt Longworth so eloquently stated "there is a simple philosophy; fill what is empty, empty what is full, scratch where it itches"
the questioning of eachothers faith and the arguments that arise over this is completely unnessesary. Life is quite simple people, dont complicate it with the irrelevent. sure there are plenty of thing about the world that dont make sense. one which i have been asking myself repeatedly is "who do innocent people who are essentially goodhearted have to suffer at the hands of others in the form of domestic violence amongst other means? is their no form of divine justice that can prevent this injustice from occuring?"
but really the more you know in life the more you realise you have to learn. call me ignorant if you like but this is one of those things i believe i never will know and i think im willing to accept that.
in terms of other peoples religious beliefs however, to me, it matters not that an individuals perspectives differ from mine. what matters is that they have these uniquly different perspectives and the balls express them against the perspectives of others. the fact an indvidual has a faith in relation to religion be this christian, muslim, hindu, jewish, buddist, theist or athiest even reflects upon their individualist nature. believe whatever you want to believe just dont go about enforcing them on others