Overall pretty decent, cant complain
WW1 - yer i have no idea about the question that people are arguing over here, i put down conditions of the trenches but now i think about it the vegitation seems more likely, still no clue.
the source analysis texts we were given to analyse didnt actually relate a great deal to strategies and tactics but it was still easy. did anyone notice the picture has like no information about it all? lol obviously unreliable aye
Germany - the nazi consolidation question was so narrow, i doubt many people across the state looked at it. i did the weimar one. didnt remember a great deal of specifics about the treaty of versallies but instead i said the treaty indirectly played a big part as the remunerations payments that were forced on germany in the war guilt clause brought about the occupation of the ruhr leading to hyperinflation leading to dawes plan leading to start of great depression the path of which ensured failure of the weimar republic + the treaty enforced democrasy upon germany and it was from this that the weimar constitution was constructed- constitutional flaws article 48 and proprortional representation..... ionno, i'm hoping thats enough to get me a raw band 6 mark in this section
Leni - Loved it <3 3 significant events- i just picked how she came into acting and film direction, victory of faith, triumph of the will and olympia and the last of nuba and the people of kau... lol. i recon dat shoulda been substancial 4 dat
- i dont think there is rly anything else you could have looked at for leni aside from her reputation developed by her film triad in promoting nazi ideals, the fact shes full of shit and her influence to the film industry.... even still i highly doubt i got full marks
Cold War - so bumed 4 this! when i first read it in reading time i nearly started crying. but in the end it wasnt actually dat bad. or rather it wouldnt have been had i given myself more than 30 mins to write the essay. only had lyk 4 and 1/2 pages on this

. i did the arms race one but i ended up saying that initially the developments in arms wernt as significant an aspect of the cold war but rather the events of the war and the foreign policies and perspectives it generated using the berlin blockade and its enforcement of the truman doctines policy of containment as well as increasing western suspicians of soviet expansionist tendencies. but then i said it changed as the progression went on esspecially once the soviets had developed nuclear weponry using this as a cause forceing america into the korean war. then i mentioned about how the korean war played a part in bringing about peaceful coexistance and other jargon of the period but how this had little effect in preventing arms developments as they developed heaps during eisenhowers era and i mentioned lyk a brief sentence at the end about the cuban missile crisis reflecting tensions brought about by this arms developments (didnt have time to do more) ..... yer i kno, its a fail essay... hope it doesnt screw me over too badly
fingers crossed 4 band 6,
although one can only hope xD