So did most people write loads of extra booklets?
This guy who has been a marker for a longgg time has a child at our school and when he came in to talk to us about the exam he told us to try to stick to the lines they've given you because none of the markers really like having to read the extra booklets, especially if it's irrelevant information. I guess it's only because they don't want to waste time, but he said to get the point across as concisely as you can because they're not expecting an essay, they just look for relevant info.
He also said that if they get a paper with really messy writing and it's practically illegible they shove it to the bottom of the pile because no one wants to mark it. It's kinda unethical, but he also said that if they get frustrated with illegibility they just shove a random mark on it and hand it to another marker to see if they can read it. (idk how true that it, I'm pretty sure they have to try to read it and give it maximum marks).