segregate the kids into smart and dumb at a young age
fuck the 'pilot students' programs, put the good kids into selective schools and work hard at making them learn shit and be talented for the future of the nation
teach the other kids basic reading/rithmetic and hold the cunts back if they don't pass their tests
if they're retarded put them in retard classes where we can't see them
not everyone gets to have dreams, drill that shit into them at a young age
you can't fucking redistribute society through education, some people are born dumbshits and will be taken advantage of, I don't give a shit about that and anyone with more than two braincells to rub together really shouldn't. There is NOTHING you can do to help these idiotic fuckwits, so why should you? Just be comforted by the fact that you're better than this human detritus.
The media does a good job of distracting these peons with celebrity news and cars and the like, but we do need to remove their right to vote or their need to vote, preferably through removing the restrictions on mandatory voting.
This is a group of people who should be best left to their own devices but shouldn't be able to affect the upper classes.
Meritocracies work, just because a few idiots make it rich doesn't undermine the overwhelming evidence that meritocracies work.
Then again Australia is some socialist babying hellhole that wants everyone to have equality of outcome, so we can't really win in this bullshit country.
We're going to end up with a welfare dependent highly-indebted underclass that can't read, can't write and can barely fucking communicate, at the same time that we have an aging population that bleeds the country dry.
The productive and intelligent people will be overtaxed and overburdened from both sides, as moronic immigrants and the like mug us in the streets and the government comes after us day by day for more of our money
The thinking people of this world need to go on strike! Those who drive the economy of the world, the creators, the inventors, the scientists and the entrepreneurs need to leave! To hide away from the parasites and show them that without us the world will come to a halt!