I'd be making the project your priority at the moment if you haven't even decided on a topic; many students around the state have completed drafts of their essay! So make sure you crack down and really get working!
Okay the first thing you probably want to do is find you most favourite topic in History, and then work on deriving a question for the essay. For me, I'm very interested in Ancient Greece; and I'm looking at the Historiographical issues concerning Women in Classical Greece; particularly looking at issues such as the fact that no women were historians, and that the only portrayal of women we have are from Greek poetry, mythologies and the Histories of men.
So, your one concern at the moment. FIND A TOPIC. Then do a hell of a lot of research, then work with your teacher and deriving a question from your focus area. Then go ahead to researching and start writing impending drafts for your major work.
The major work does not need to be 20+ pages long, there's a maximum as already stated of 2,500 words. So 20 pages definitely is not required for this major work.
~ Remember, do something you enjoy; otherwise you will lose interest rapidly and once that happens. . . you're doomed.
Best of Luck. n_n