Election called - THE LAST DAY TO ENROL IS MONDAY! (2 Viewers)


Active Member
Feb 3, 2010
Everyone who cares about preserving our Australian values needs to be aware of the policies of the Greens. No, not just the environment and the vacuous policies put forward by Bob Brown.
The main thrust of their agenda is anti-family. Their policies:
Same-sex “marriage” and adoption ; Inappropriate (even pornographic) sex education, from kindergarten up, promoting homosexuality and “sexual diversity” (which may mean any form of depravity) ; Self-identified sex, i.e. is a person who is biologically a man may claim to be a woman and have access to women’s rest-rooms, exposing women to danger of sexual assault ; Abortion to be expanded and promoted ; Euthanasia, misrepresented as “voluntary”, endangers the lives of the disabled and the elderly ; Legalisation of prostitution, represented as “care for women”, instead of exploitation of women ; Decriminalisation of illegal drugs, based on so-called “harm minimisation” ; Penalising stay-at-home mothers ; and Expanding the power and funding of the Australian “Human Rights” Commission, which has declared war on freedom of religion http://www.hreoc.gov.au/about/media/papers/freedom_religion20090803.pdf
“Like oil and water” religion and human rights don’t mix” 2008 Media Release: Supporting the Declaration is the next step 
This is in direct violation of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
We can be sure that an infamous “Bill of Rights” will again be on the agenda.
“Sexual freedom” (until recently known as sexual licence) is to trump conscience rights.
The AHRC is an un-elected bureaucracy, which is usurping the authority of our elected representatives. New “rights” are introduced for a few specified minorities at the cost of abolishing authentic rights of the majority. This endangers democracy, in which the outcome is determined by majority vote.
So much for the Greens, who are expected to hold the balance of power.
Regarding Julia Gillard : How many Australians have even heard of EMILY’s List (Early Money is Like Yeast)? Welcome to - EMILY's List -- much less know that our new PM was a joint founder of this organisation in Australia, and continues to be an active member.
Their main policy is expansion of abortion. Remember that Julia Gillard attacked the parental rights of Tony Abbott last February, with regard to his advocating chastity before marriage to his own daughters. Such a message to teens is “bad for business” for the abortion industry!


Jan 24, 2010
Everyone who cares about preserving our Australian values needs to be aware of the policies of the Greens. No, not just the environment and the vacuous policies put forward by Bob Brown.
The main thrust of their agenda is anti-family. Their policies:
Same-sex “marriage” and adoption ; Inappropriate (even pornographic) sex education, from kindergarten up, promoting homosexuality and “sexual diversity” (which may mean any form of depravity) ; Self-identified sex, i.e. is a person who is biologically a man may claim to be a woman and have access to women’s rest-rooms, exposing women to danger of sexual assault ; Abortion to be expanded and promoted ; Euthanasia, misrepresented as “voluntary”, endangers the lives of the disabled and the elderly ; Legalisation of prostitution, represented as “care for women”, instead of exploitation of women ; Decriminalisation of illegal drugs, based on so-called “harm minimisation” ; Penalising stay-at-home mothers ; and Expanding the power and funding of the Australian “Human Rights” Commission, which has declared war on freedom of religion http://www.hreoc.gov.au/about/media/papers/freedom_religion20090803.pdf
“Like oil and water” religion and human rights don’t mix” 2008 Media Release: Supporting the Declaration is the next step*
This is in direct violation of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
We can be sure that an infamous “Bill of Rights” will again be on the agenda.
“Sexual freedom” (until recently known as sexual licence) is to trump conscience rights.
The AHRC is an un-elected bureaucracy, which is usurping the authority of our elected representatives. New “rights” are introduced for a few specified minorities at the cost of abolishing authentic rights of the majority. This endangers democracy, in which the outcome is determined by majority vote.
So much for the Greens, who are expected to hold the balance of power.
Regarding Julia Gillard : How many Australians have even heard of EMILY’s List (Early Money is Like Yeast)? Welcome to - EMILY's List -- much less know that our new PM was a joint founder of this organisation in Australia, and continues to be an active member.
Their main policy is expansion of abortion. Remember that Julia Gillard attacked the parental rights of Tony Abbott last February, with regard to his advocating chastity before marriage to his own daughters. Such a message to teens is “bad for business” for the abortion industry!
Will they introduce compulsory euthanasia for people like this? If so they have my vote!

BBJ is back

Jul 6, 2010
This is fucked. By participating in the very concept of democracy you are accepting that the system in place by the political heirachy is correct, and that the individual collectivity has some form of say of what goes on and how the ruling elite will control us. Fuck this shit, ill fucking rip up the ballot paper the second I walk into the polling booth.

fucking blue collar bogan cunts are so fucking stupid too.

Fuck democracy, fuck Labor, Fuck Liberal, fuck the system.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Oh, I see.

Well, the Nazis invented the Volkswagen, this doesn't many anybody who drives one wants to kill Jews.
Yeah but whereas the volkswagen is a decent product the watermelon line is something a half educated spiv would say.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
Everyone who cares about preserving our Australian values needs to be aware of the policies of the Greens. No, not just the environment and the vacuous policies put forward by Bob Brown.
The main thrust of their agenda is anti-family. Their policies:
Same-sex “marriage” and adoption ; Inappropriate (even pornographic) sex education, from kindergarten up, promoting homosexuality and “sexual diversity” (which may mean any form of depravity) ; Self-identified sex, i.e. is a person who is biologically a man may claim to be a woman and have access to women’s rest-rooms, exposing women to danger of sexual assault ; Abortion to be expanded and promoted ; Euthanasia, misrepresented as “voluntary”, endangers the lives of the disabled and the elderly ; Legalisation of prostitution, represented as “care for women”, instead of exploitation of women ; Decriminalisation of illegal drugs, based on so-called “harm minimisation” ; Penalising stay-at-home mothers ; and Expanding the power and funding of the Australian “Human Rights” Commission, which has declared war on freedom of religion http://www.hreoc.gov.au/about/media/papers/freedom_religion20090803.pdf
“Like oil and water” religion and human rights don’t mix” 2008 Media Release: Supporting the Declaration is the next step*
This is in direct violation of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
We can be sure that an infamous “Bill of Rights” will again be on the agenda.
“Sexual freedom” (until recently known as sexual licence) is to trump conscience rights.
The AHRC is an un-elected bureaucracy, which is usurping the authority of our elected representatives. New “rights” are introduced for a few specified minorities at the cost of abolishing authentic rights of the majority. This endangers democracy, in which the outcome is determined by majority vote.
So much for the Greens, who are expected to hold the balance of power.
Regarding Julia Gillard : How many Australians have even heard of EMILY’s List (Early Money is Like Yeast)? Welcome to - EMILY's List -- much less know that our new PM was a joint founder of this organisation in Australia, and continues to be an active member.
Their main policy is expansion of abortion. Remember that Julia Gillard attacked the parental rights of Tony Abbott last February, with regard to his advocating chastity before marriage to his own daughters. Such a message to teens is “bad for business” for the abortion industry!
source on this please?


Aug 6, 2009
This is fucked. By participating in the very concept of democracy you are accepting that the system in place by the political heirachy is correct, and that the individual collectivity has some form of say of what goes on and how the ruling elite will control us. Fuck this shit, ill fucking rip up the ballot paper the second I walk into the polling booth.

fucking blue collar bogan cunts are so fucking stupid too.

Fuck democracy, fuck Labor, Fuck Liberal, fuck the system.
That would be interesting to watch.


Jul 13, 2010
Yeah but whereas the volkswagen is a decent product the watermelon line is something a half educated spiv would say.
Your use of the word 'spiv' has rendered you unable to give any sort of word use advice. Sorry, you did have a point up until then!


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
This is fucked. By participating in the very concept of democracy you are accepting that the system in place by the political heirachy is correct, and that the individual collectivity has some form of say of what goes on and how the ruling elite will control us. Fuck this shit, ill fucking rip up the ballot paper the second I walk into the polling booth.

fucking blue collar bogan cunts are so fucking stupid too.

Fuck democracy, fuck Labor, Fuck Liberal, fuck the system.
WAAAR! Fuck the system, fuck the system, WAAAAAAAAAAR!!!


Mar 16, 2008
Greens Website - Global Governance said:
support the abolition of the IMF, World Bank and WTO unless radical reform can:
make their processes transparent;
ensure voting and other decision making processes are more democratic;
allow full democratic participation of representatives from affected communities, including non-government organisations (NGOs) representing disadvantaged groups such as indigenous people and women;
democratise and improve their dispute settlement processes;
abolish IMF and World Bank structural adjustment loans;
reorient World Bank loans away from large, capital-intensive projects; and
bring them into the broader 'family' of UN institutions and provide checks and balances over their power.
I approve. Fuck the IMF, fuck the WTO and fuck the World Bank.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
apart from certain circumstances, like natural monopolies, price fixing wouldn't be a problem and monopolies certainly wouldn't be either

YES! VERY much so!

America was founded by a bunch of fucking RADICAL libertarians. They loved freedom so much they took on the greatest military force in history (at the time) in order to achieve it. They fucking lost their shit because of a tax of a few pennies on their tea.

They made the most deliberately small state in history, with more checks and balances than any government had had before.

The smallest state and a population of extreme libertarians. Sounds like a plan for libertopia, right?

Well in the space of little over 200 years, practically nothing compared to how old most states are, that same minarchist state became the most powerful organisation in the history of the world.

You want to give a bunch of human men control over the ENTIRE WORLD, a world where next to NOBODY is libertarian, and you think there will be anything other than absolute unadulterated tyranny?

I have heard of fewer things more delusional.
Are U.S citizens being gunned down by their government on a daily basis? Are their liberties being infringed upon by the state? Are they living a life of misery under a totalitarian regime? In those 200 years the United States had managed to advance humanity further than any other nation on earth: sustained human flight, the moon landings, exploration of the outer solar system and beyond, the internet, gps...need I name more? It is precisely their unfettered embrace of liberty and capitalism that they were able to do those things, now just imagine this on a global scale. Who said anything about "control of the entire world"? Really how much of a nut job conspiracy theorist do you have to be to think that a small world government = tyranny? A minarchist federation of states is but a council for cooperation whereby all "states" agree to abide by certain principles, and each individual minarchist "state" would have the right to secede. How can a "government" that doesn't even have a monopoly on violence tyrannise its citizens?


Mar 16, 2008
abbeyroad said:
Are U.S citizens being gunned down by their government on a daily basis? Are their liberties being infringed upon by the state? Are they living a life of misery under a totalitarian regime? In those 200 years the United States had managed to advance humanity further than any other nation on earth: sustained human flight, the moon landings, exploration of the outer solar system and beyond, the internet, gps...need I name more? It is precisely their unfettered embrace of liberty and capitalism that they were able to do those things, now just imagine this on a global scale. Who said anything about "control of the entire world"? Really how much of a nut job conspiracy theorist do you have to be to think that a small world government = tyranny? A minarchist federation of states is but a council for cooperation whereby all "states" agree to abide by certain principles, and each individual minarchist "state" would have the right to secede. How can a "government" that doesn't even have a monopoly on violence tyrannise its citizens?
You are far from right if you think that the US is a free society. In 200 years the United States has killed a tremendous number of people, many of them civilians. It has also dropped two atomic bombs. It has around 1% of its population in prison at any one time, and denies rights that libertarians would consider fundamental. It is precisely their disregard for human rights and aggressive, dominating manner that establishes them as the world's only superpower. The United States wouldn't stand if it didn't have oppressed nations to stamp its boots over. Not every country can have a lifestyle that most American citizens enjoy at the world's expense.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
You are far from right if you think that the US is a free society. In 200 years the United States has killed a tremendous number of people, many of them civilians. It has also dropped two atomic bombs. It has around 1% of its population in prison at any one time, and denies rights that libertarians would consider fundamental. It is precisely their disregard for human rights and aggressive, dominating manner that establishes them as the world's only superpower. The United States wouldn't stand if it didn't have oppressed nations to stamp its boots over. Not every country can have a lifestyle that most American citizens enjoy at the world's expense.

did the U.S dropped those atomic bombs on its citizens? Please tell me what those fundamental rights not enjoyed by its citizens are? Do no attribute the United States' aggressive foreign policy as a failing of liberalism, it is a result of the military industrial complex - the iron triangle inherent in U.S politics. I don't know what rock you're living under but the last time I checked the United States is a lot freer than most of the rest of the world.


Mar 16, 2008
abbeyroad said:

did the U.S dropped those atomic bombs on its citizens? Please tell me what those fundamental rights not enjoyed by its citizens are? Do no attribute the United States' aggressive foreign policy as a failing of liberalism, it is a result of the military industrial complex - the iron triangle inherent in U.S politics. I don't know what rock you're living under but the last time I checked the United States is a lot freer than most of the rest of the world.
The fact that the US dropped said atomic bombs reflects their world view. Its aggressive foreign policy is not a 'failing' of liberalism, it's a reflection of liberalism and unrestricted greed. I would consider the following as fundamental rights, that the US does not generally permit: Gay marriage, legalisation of marijuana, gender/race not cause for inequal pay rates, the right to not be harassed by racist cops, not to mention the various civil liberties taken away by the Patriot Act. Freedom of speech is only for those who can pay for it, especially in the US. Personally, I would consider guaranteed free healthcare and education to be human rights in the 21st century. The US is freer than most countries, but it's hardly libertarian.


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
Are U.S citizens being gunned down by their government on a daily basis? Are their liberties being infringed upon by the state? Are they living a life of misery under a totalitarian regime?

The United States government is openly waging a war on it's own citizens.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
The United States government is a poor example of an effective liberal democracy compared to the many that exist in the Commonwealth and Europe, but his point still stands.

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