-Being redirected to India when calling Telstra.
-20 minute waits when being redirected to India with horrid music attempting to soothe your anger before the onslaught.
Gaaah. The number of times I've wanted to hurl the phone out the window. Not fun at all.
when your parent's friends randomly turn up on your doorstep in the middle of the day when you're in your pajamas and you feel like shit but your parents expect you to act all happy and join in pleasant fake conversation about school and the weather so they can prove they're raised a reasonably decent child
-my dad. he tops the list
-when your parents are like OMFG WHY R U STUDYING?? WE WILL PAY FOR YOU TO LIVE IN CANBERRA AND STUDY SOME SHIT THAT REQUIRES AN ATAR OF 50...and then your sibling says mummy i want to do vet science "YEP OK"
-people who have no originality whatsoever
-stupid people who think its funny to be stupid
-psycho feminist lesbian bitchez
-hairdressers who try to make small talk
-people who joke about rape lol soooo funny
-people who smoke in your face in a non sexy way
-people who claim they're gay just because its cooooool
Love how my mum is very supportive of my friends' dreams of USYD and UNSW but tells me 'oh fuck no you don't have the life skills to go live in Sydney'. I wish my parents were more supportive.
Psycho feminist lesbian bitchez... I hope you're not talking about me!
And yep, fauxmosexuality is aweful. Hate it. Passionately.
- 12yo sluts
- people who have a small-minded "i like [insert genre here] and nothing else beats it ever. and no i'm not trying anything you suggest" opinions about music/movies
- parents who have the ability to go from nice to bitch in less than 60 seconds (read: when company comes to visit)
- miley cyrus
- the jonas brothers
Yep, especially hardcore and rap lovers. Ever heard of variety?