Tomorrow is Easter Thursday. Bakery is struggling due to insane amount of Hot Cross Buns starting back in January!
Tomorrow we have a 28 hour production of bread, with 16 hours of bakers being paid.
The Bakery is being screwed, as they decided YESTERDAY to change our layout to allow our ONE FUCKING PERCENT GP produce department to expand in space dramatically.
We are expecting to be wiped out by customers tomorrow.
On top of that, we were told today, that our area manager will be visiting. Not only will he be visiting, but our regional manager will also be visiting. And Greg Foran will be visiting with the pair of them.
ALSO Woolies fails at it's 100 Days LTI free policy.... 19 LTIs reported YESTERDAY. That's 26 in the first 10 days of the 100 days free. An average of 2.6/day at this time, compared with the 1.7/day average regularly