I recommend at least finishing a year of your course. I swapped after one year, and although I still kind of wonder what it would be like if I was back with my old uni friends..I've decided that transferring was the best decision I've ever made.
Yes, you worked bloody hard to get into your course..but if you're hating it now what makes you think you'll enjoy it when you're stuck with it 9-5?
Sooo many of my friends dropped out of their biomed/commerce/law courses to swap into things they actually LIKED eg art/cooking/IT. Yes, you may not earn as much as you would afterwards, but try making a list of your dream job, ignoring wages, and see what comes up.
The course I chose first was based on subjects I HATED at school but they were for smart kids so I thought I should do them. Now I'm studying stuff that would have been scaled down for VCE but my timetable's not 9-5 everyday and assignments don't bore the shit out of me.
Yes, you worked bloody hard to get into your course..but if you're hating it now what makes you think you'll enjoy it when you're stuck with it 9-5?
Sooo many of my friends dropped out of their biomed/commerce/law courses to swap into things they actually LIKED eg art/cooking/IT. Yes, you may not earn as much as you would afterwards, but try making a list of your dream job, ignoring wages, and see what comes up.
The course I chose first was based on subjects I HATED at school but they were for smart kids so I thought I should do them. Now I'm studying stuff that would have been scaled down for VCE but my timetable's not 9-5 everyday and assignments don't bore the shit out of me.