Yes lol you don't feel like that to the same extent when you are just fuxking someone lol but it's still better than masterbation
hahaha okay i'll take your word for it
can still have a physical attraction and chemistry between your partner without being in a long term relationship. If you are out of school for a year (~19 for most people), and havent found someone who you are attracted enough/close enough/drunk enough to fuck you are weird.
Okay, i feel when you get married, you're committing yourself to a long term relationship with some1 who you obviously love enough to spend the rest of your life with. If i still had my virginity, i'd feel less like i'd betrayed them i think, like the fact i'm going to lose it to them is like saying okay i'm going to commit myself entirely to you, so even if i had a bf/gf before, it's in the past.
of course if you lose it to a person who you're realllllllly close to and are 99% sure of spending the rest of ur life with em, then the above won't apply, but you could wait till after marriage just to be sure
I agree it's not something that should be made a big fuss about, but it's small things like that , that show your um...soulmate[?] that you truly love em.
So i wouldn't agree with you on that age limit.