I think i wanna do something like website designing, game designing and other kinda stuff. what is the coarse called if im doin that?.. ( i donno wat coarse it is called though)
Web design is more a TAFE course.
Game design/dev is offered as a Diploma in IT at
UTS have it as a bachelor program although you have needed to completed the
TAFE course.
Personally, I'd do a CompSci and major in game design

if you decided games isn't for you (it's hard

) then you still have the compsci degree backing you up.
ex1 maths? wow im only doing adv maths... would that help?
Do well in 2u, do a bridging course before uni starts. All good, that's my plan anyway
computer engineering is the one with designing.
Comp Eng is Elec Eng mixed with Comp Sci. You learn about the hardware, the software and the electronics behind it
so there is no way i can study... computer engineering without 3 u maths?
well im gonna go for a uni in sydney like mquarey!
Sydney still assume ext1/2u depending on units chosen, not sure about macq. Depends on how maths orientated their courses are, UNSW is very maths oriented, sydney - less, UTS doesn't have a lot.
As I said before, bridging course will hook you up
yes. :uhhuh::uhhuh: it's assume knowledge.
There's nothing stopping you from doing Comp Sci @ UNSW and having done no maths, you will just fail pretty badly, assumed knowledge is not a prerequisite, they just assume that when you walk into that lecture theater you will have a clue about what they are talking about