So don't waste your time reprimanding me for it.
Pornography destroys families.
It has encouraged a whole generation of people with unhealthy and unrealisitic understandings of sex and a culture which thrives on degrading women in society.
Why shouldn't it be banned? Its both immoral and harmful, sorta like those studies I posted indicated of homosexuality.
Souuuuuurrrrcccceeee please.
Lol... Do you know any of the people who wrote them, or do you just assume they're all Evangelical Christians who are manipulating data?
The only sources that are creidble are those which support your own pre-concieved ideas on such issues?
They are not that outdated as to render them irrelevant, and not all of them are even that old in the first place.
This is science anyway, we only rely on evidence, and evidence is timeless. One doesn't ignore Newtons laws of motion becuase they are like 200 years old, you shouldn't discount these studies simply because they are not as recent as they perhaps could be, especially without evidence to the contrary or demonstrative of a flawed method used by invesigators.
No, however homosexuality was decriminalized in the 60s and 70s. These studies are pseudo-scientific. They are psychological profiles based on asking flawed questions and poorly compiled sample populations.
I read several of the ones linking drugs to homosexuality, and it surveyed a group of young homosexual men who were regular party-goers at inner-city nightclubs, cited statistics and offered no comparison with the same statistics in a constant sample group of heterosexual young men of the same age-bracket, socio-economic status and social circle.
Simply reading them indicates why such ideas are regarded with contempt by anyone who has any familiarity with how science works.
Let me break down one such study that you linked to.
Health risks of the homosexual lifestyle
Now firstly, basic source analysis that anyone in year 10 is familiar with. The Catholic Church has an extremely vested interest in slandering homosexuals and defending their own views that are disproven by science, and this is evident in how the scientific statistics are misquoted and evidence misused in order to further their agenda.
This statement was made by Greg Quinlan, a former member of the homosexual community, who testified before the Ohio Defense of Marriage Act in November, 2003. Quinlan claimed that the physical and mental devastation caused by homosexual behavior, and the cumulative effect of that behavior "is incalculable."
The American public has been left largely in the dark about the extent of the medical problems associated with homosexual activity because of the influence of pro-homosexual political agendas. Some even believe they are being "compassionate" by not disclosing vital health information for fear of offending homosexuals.
For those health professionals like Greg Quinlan who minister to the dying, compassion is the last word they would use to describe the deliberate withholding of potentially life-saving information from active homosexuals.
The following is a brief review of what is currently known to medical science about the health risks associated with homosexual activity.
So far unsupported, unreferenced bigotry to introduce the article, good work.
It all goes on like that. It is scientifically unsupported, using flawed statistical analysis.
These are not credible scientific sources. You and they have not proven anything. There is no scientific evidence cited by these articles. They cite statistics and make claims based on those when any rational person can see the problem with the statistics they cite.
And to answer your question, I do believe in the Bible's authenticity and credibility.
Well you believe in a fairytale.
We evolved from apes over the last 8 million years. That is a fact.
We were not created in our current form 6,000 years ago. That is a fact.
The Earth did not come into being as we recognize it for the better part of 7 billion years after the birth of the Universe. That is a fact.
Snakes can not talk, Men do not come back to life, they can not part seas, they can not issue plagues and they can not stop the Earth from orbiting around the Sun and force it to orbit in the opposite direction for an hour. That is a fact.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and the Bible provides none, and to believe in such a violent cult without evidence is absurd.