Homosexuality in Australia (6 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 27, 2009
No. Both the OT and NT are quite clear on homosexuals.
Exactly... And frankely the fact there are 6 just reinforces the point. There need have only been 1 (in the NT) for it to be relavent.

All you really need to do, in order to be Christian, really, is to follow Jesus's two fundamental commandments, to love God, and to love your fellow man.

Failing everything else, you can still get through on those alone.

...But saying for example, that simply because I am saved, means I can continue to sin, simply because I know I will be forgiven is both stupid and disrespectful to God (which raises doubts as to whether or not you indeed love Him, owing to the fact you disregard His rules whenever it suits you...).


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Hey alex, did you read the paper today?

Celibacy vow ruled 'cruel and archaic' | Herald Sun

THE vow of celibacy imposed on Catholic clergy is "cruel" and "archaic", a judge has said in jailing a priest for grooming a 13-year-old girl for sex over the internet.
During online chat sessions between July and August last year, Sydney priest Robert MacGregor Fuller used a webcam to show himself masturbating to a police officer posing as a 13-year-old girl.
The 55-year-old pleaded guilty in October to grooming and procuring a child under the age of 16 and today he was sentenced to a maximum of 18 months behind bars.
However, Fuller was given a six month non-parole period and six months off his sentence for an early guilty plea.
Fuller told the NSW District Court at Parramatta that performing sex acts on the webcam was a way to escape the pressure he was under.
"I did it for my own personal sexual needs," Fuller told the court.
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

"It was an expression of the pressure I was under."
In handing down the sentence, Judge Allan Hughes said the Catholic Church's vow of celibacy for priests may have led Fuller to become sexually frustrated.
"I'm not a Catholic," he said.
"I do not regard (that) celibacy (should be) imposed on people. That is because it is a suppression of human instinct.
"The priest has to be so strong to suppress normal human instincts - it must be agonising to do this.
"I don't know why they don't change their rules. It is archaic. It's cruel, cruel."
Fuller used the computer at Liverpool's All Saints Church, where he had served for six years, to have 13 online conversations with the officer who posed as the teenage girl named "Katie".
In five conversations, his face was captured as he masturbated on a webcam.
He said he did so because "Katie" asked him to.
"That is what she wanted to see and I showed her," he said.
"The idea is she wanted to watch it because it was pleasurable for her but not necessarily for me."
He told the court the chat rooms were part of a fantasy world and he did not truly believe the person watching was a young girl.
"There's not necessarily any truth in what they say. It's a fantasy in a sense," Fuller said.
"It's a game. It's a fantasy."
The priest engaged in explicit conversations with "Katie" asking her "how much hair she had between the top of her legs" and to rub herself.
Fuller told her at times "adults would not like us meeting because I'm too old for you" and they would have to do it in a "sneaky way".
The court was told Fuller pursued a meeting with the girl at a Parramatta carpark and intended to engage in sexual acts with her in the back seat of his car.
"If it was a reality, I'd be there to say: 'hello, how are you'," Fuller said.
"Then hopefully mutual touching and fondling."
Fuller was arrested on August 13 in the car park of Parramatta's pool where he planned to meet the teenage girl for sex.
He was immediately suspended by the Archdiocese of Sydney


Dec 27, 2009
Please explain what you mean by 'cultural degeneration'. Because it isn't.
Ok, since when did society find it acceptable to encourage an unhealthy and abnormal (and utterly blasphemious, if you swing that way ;)) behaviour?

And since when did perverting sex become something to be celebrated? Let alone something of "culture"?


Dec 27, 2009
If you're not man enough to do it, don't...

Since when did anyone force you to become a priest, whether you're Catholic or not?

Just because that guy didn't have sex, doesn't give him an excuse to do what he did, in regards to the girl...

Its not cruel at all, its a demonstration of sacrifice and dedication, beyond that which most people could exhibit.

Marriage, and sex within it is an equally morally acceptable alternative.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Ok, since when did society find it acceptable to encourage an unhealthy and abnormal (and utterly blasphemious, if you swing that way ;)) behaviour?

And since when did perverting sex become something to be celebrated? Let alone something of "culture"?
it's not a behavior! you're saying it like it's some sort of mental behavior. and unhealthy? abnormal?

fuck you.:hammer:


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
If you're not man enough to do it, don't...

Since when did anyone force you to become a priest, whether you're Catholic or not?

Just because that guy didn't have sex, doesn't give him an excuse to do what he did, in regards to the girl...

Its not cruel at all, its a demonstration of sacrifice and dedication, beyond that which most people could exhibit.

Marriage, and sex within it is an equally morally acceptable alternative.
sex is a human desire, a human instinct. we are sexual creatures. god really should have given us the abililty to reproduce assexually. he should've made one gender.

and plus, i bet you masturbate.


Feb 14, 2006
It is literally beyond me that anyone can think that the propaganda scribblings of a desert tribe from three thousand years ago or the second-hand accounts of some deluded cultists from Judea about some crackpot magician with very little that is either original or useful to say are exactly valid reasons to deny equality and tolerance to those such as homosexuals.

Sure, God says that homosexuality is bad. God also says they should be killed. He also says that you can take women prisoners and put them to death if you don't find them sexually suitable. The Bible is full of a lot of bile and filth, and there is no reason we should listen to anything it has to say about homosexuality any more than we should listen to what it has to say about killing your political opponents or what not.

If God was so opposed to homosexuality and is omniscient and full of foresight, why did he create the human body such that one could derive pleasure from anal sex?

Simply because your Bronze Age religion of bigotry demands that homosexuals be killed does not mean that those that don't follow such fairytales should be denied equality. That's what secularity is all about. Don't want a gay marriage? Don't get one.


Dec 27, 2009
You fail to see my point.

1. You can never convert an entire society into the Christian belief that sex is sacred, because it's not. The fact that you are a Christian makes your viewpoint blaringly subjective.
Subjectivity does not equate to falsehood.

The gays on this thread are subjective and bias as well, so are those who player hate on religion.

My arguements against gay marriage and adoption are secular, stop trying to simply dismiss them becuase of their authors religious affialiations, simply as a means of getting out of having to respond to them, which it would appear you are often unable to.

2. Why should an entire society have to be under the spell that sex is sacred and only allowed to have sex once in a while when they want a baby, because a few idiot teens can't use birth control? Once again, I state that we need proper birth control methods taught to teens in order to minimise unplanned pregnancy.
Chances of actually getting pregnant are like 2% anyway... Its not like everytime you have sex you're going to have a baby, stop exaggerating the sacrifice expected of you.

And as I already established, your arguements of birth control are moot, as absintence is the most effective form of bith control there is, so argueing for birth control, would logically be supportive of promoting abstinence.

Why should they? Sex is readily available, and it actually does value love. Ever heard of relationships being saved because of increased sex lives?
If you require a constant stream of orgasm in order to justify your love for someone, I think that says something about how much you actually love them.

While yes, complete self control is admirable, it's not needed at all! Watch this: I'm now going to declare that no one can fatty, greasy or sugary foods. The only way to stop this obesity/diabetes problem, is for everybody to abstain completely from these foods.
There is more to preventing obesity than diet, excercise for exmaple. Simply abstaining in this sense will not eqaute to heathiness, however will increase a persons health ofc.

Sexual abstinence on the other hand is all that is required, to prevent STI infection and pregnancy.

And because everybody doesn't, we live in a society that doesn't value self control! It's authoritarian mindlessness at it's best! Just because a bunch of illiterate Palestinian nomads from 2000 years ago were a little taboo about enjoying sex, we don't have to be.
I never mentioned the Bible, in regards to abstinence in this context.

I simply argued that promoting it is the only method we can hope to reverse the sick, exploitive sexual culture which we have allowed to gain a stranglehold over our society.

Once again, the most effective way to stop murder, is for people to never murder people. It also reduces the amount of grieving families.
Yea... exactly, grass roots solution, not simply a cover up aimed at reducing consequences.

And once again, it's highly impractical, and your view of a Utopian theocracy is not going to happen.
And why can't it? Why can't we value self contorl and abstinence?

It is hardly impossible.

Cool story. Now lets stop you bothering everyone else who isn't. Allow them the choice to exercise their liberty. Yes, read that again. Liberty.
Promoting abstinence and condeming promiscuisity and sex outside of marriage does not infringe on anyones liberty.

1. That's not really fair to unmarried couples, i acutally know a couple who are unmarried but raising a daughter just like any other married couple. Surely they deserve these benefits?
They probably get many of them, things like the baby bonus or w/e it is called, and maternity leave etc.

2. Even if it is the case that the benefits should be given to married couples, then the government should only give these benefits to married couples with children.
I admit the system could be run differently to how it is atm, but regardless it is still promoting heterosexual unions as special and essential for society.

Good point, but in planned births at least, one of the considerations a couple goes through is if they have the financial means to support the child, i don't think if they would if they can't at least save something up for the child.

And unplanned births wouldn't be saving up for a child anyway.
9 months is a fairly long time. It should give most couples enough time, I would think, to organise some funds (plus the additional support from goernment when they actually do have the child) to get things ready.

But, practically speaking the government could just increase the benefits at first to make up for this time or let the benefits start at conception. In fact, there are probably a few ways this could be covered.
Yeah it could, as I said the system could be run differently, but regardless, the government is still endorsing the institution of marriage and the "trational" family.

But not for homosexuals, a shame because marriage would help a community which is something like 4 x likely to engage in sexually risky behavior.
And what exactly about granting gay couples the title of marriage and a handful of tax benefits (which they don't merit but anyway...) is going to encourage them to avoid these risky sex practises?

That's are large leap you're making here. I imagine a child growing up would have most of his friends mainly with parents that are opposite sex couples, i can't imagine them growing up with this attitude in a mainly heterosexual environment.
Maybe so, but a few sleepovers or w/e is not going to give them the true experience of what it feels like to be raised, and loved by a mother and father.

Part of the thing, is for a child to see their mother and father care for each other and show affection. It teaches things like how members of the opposite sex should act towards one another (lets face it, most people are straight, so this is fiarly important), particularly for young males etc.

Well here you're just speculating.

Gender of two parents unimportant.
What part of the article should I be looking at, there seems to be nothing here that relates to the point you're trying to make.

Perhaps a quote?

Its not like the sexes of the two parents are completely interchangeable variables, which will amount to the same end result.

I don't think the hammer deserves benefits just for being a hammer but for the nailing it does :D
I would disagree, becuase the government is trying to encourage more hammer heads and handles to combine into hammers, since hammers meet a vital social interest.

Not only is the government giving extra rewards for hammers which, "hammer" things, but it is also expresing support for the institution itself (marriage).

Why should the government selectively support the creation of famililes of hetero couples, but not homo couples which can function more or less in the same way.
This would be an acceptable arguement if homo couples were in fact equal to hetero couples, but the fact of the matter is they are not.

A homo couple cannot concieve, and so, despite the natural desires of gays to be parents, they should be denied adoption priveldges in the interests of the child. A type of union which universally is unable to create children, should not be tasked with raising children.

Well they should adopt/artificially conceive and then receive these benefits.
No they shouldn't, becuase if allowed to adopt, then it would only be as a fall back option reall for the government.

The government wants to endorse those relationships which meet this vital social purpose, procreation. Gays still cannot procreate, and such the government should continue to deny benefits to such couples.

That said, they porbably might qualify for support for the child directly anyway, support for schooling costs and the like etc etc.

Untrue if homo couples were able to adopt/artificially conceive.
If gays adopt then they are still not responsible for anything, since they did not bring the child into existence, but are parasitic on a heterosexual couple to do so.

Artificial conceiving should not be available for either gay or straight couples. Children are not commodities, to be ordered from a laboratory. That is sick.
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Feb 14, 2006
Just before I get too involved in this, I'd like to just lay down an opening question.

Do you intend on trying to justify the fact that you're disgustingly bigoted by at least attempting to cite scientific or psychological studies or would that just be too much to ask?

If gays adopt then they are still not responsible for anything, since they did not bring the child into existence, but are parasitic on a heterosexual couple to do so.
So why should infertile heterosexual couples be allowed to adopt?
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Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
Name_Taken said:
The gays on this thread are subjective and bias as well.
Yea, so is the bible. :p

LOL What if the two guys that adopt are like a man and wife? Seeing as one is extremely manly and wears the pants of the family and the other is quite feminine and acts as the woman in the relationship. Would you have anything against that?


Dec 27, 2009
Just before I get too involved in this, I'd like to just lay down an opening question.

Do you intend on trying to justify the fact that you're disgustingly bigoted by at least attempting to cite scientific or psychological studies or would that just be too much to ask?
Um... I've been here quite a while and a lot of the stuff I have mentioned, I have sourced and provided links to various studies.

There haven't been many people of the sodomy squad who have sourced everyone of their arguements for quite a while either.

So why should infertile heterosexual couples be allowed to adopt?
Because it is the union of one man, one women, i.e. marriage which the government has a responsbility to protect and encourage, as in a wider context, it is only this union which has the capability of creating new members of society and raising them, in the most desirable scinareo.

Infertile couples deserve to adopt because they represent the union which the government is trying to protect, and advance this interest. The infertile couple cannot concieve through no fault of their own, whereas homosexual couples deliberately engage in sexual practises for pleasure, which could never lead to procreation. Furthermore, infertile heterosexual couples are in the minority, wheras universally, all unions between two people of the same sex are unable to result in a child.

Lastly, even if fertile couples are unable to create a child, they can still be safetly tasked with raising them, becuase their union, simulates perfectly the optimum environment within which a child should be raised (by their biological mother and father).

Yea, so is the bible. :p
...No it isn't, and in what way do you think it is?

It condemns a lot of what I do as well, nobody can realistically expect to meet the requirements it places on us. The difference between us then, is that you take pride a pleasure in your misdeeds while I try and avoid them, and repent when I fall short.

LOL What if the two guys that adopt are like a man and wife? Seeing as one is extremely manly and wears the pants of the family and the other is quite feminine and acts as the woman in the relationship. Would you have anything against that?
Um because however chic a guy thinks he may be, he is still a guy.

A persons sex is not determined by the clothes they wear or how they act.

The child would still be unfairly denied the possibility of both a mother and father in this situation.


Feb 14, 2006
Because it is the union of one man, one women, i.e. marriage which the government has a responsbility to protect and encourage, as in a wider context, it is only this union which has the capability of creating new members of society and raising them, in the most desirable scinareo.

Infertile couples deserve to adopt because they represent the union which the government is trying to protect, and advance this interest. The infertile couple cannot concieve through no fault of their own, whereas homosexual couples deliberately engage in sexual practises for pleasure, which could never lead to procreation. Furthermore, infertile heterosexual couples are in the minority, wheras universally, all unions between two people of the same sex are unable to result in a child.

Lastly, even if fertile couples are unable to create a child, they can still be safetly tasked with raising them, becuase their union, simulates perfectly the optimum environment within which a child should be raised (by their biological mother and father).
But this is all complete bullshit. Credible scientific studies have shown that there is no psychological or scientific reasoning behind the idea that homosexual couples will somehow harm a child that is raised beyond the potential for any poor parent to inflict harm upon their children.

There is no reason that a secular government should be trying to 'advance' any interest with regards to any private affair. The fact is that the government should not be trying to regulate the morality of a 3000 year old book onto anyone, especially those that don't believe in your invisible sky man.

You are attempting to enter into some kind of scientific discourse on the matter and are failing miserably, revealing only your own intolerance and bigotry.

...No it isn't, and in what way do you think it is?

It condemns a lot of what I do as well, nobody can realistically expect to meet the requirements it places on us. The difference between us then, is that you take pride a pleasure in your misdeeds while I try and avoid them, and repent when I fall short.
The difference between you and him, I dare say, would be that you are closed-minded and follow the words of a genocidal, bigoted, murderous, unscientific and contradictory Holy Book and attempt to deny people equality because of such a Book, and he does not.

Of course the Bible is subjective. The Old Testament is essentially a propaganda campaign for the Israelites and little more.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
Name_Taken said:
The difference between us then, is that you take pride a pleasure in your misdeeds while I try and avoid them, and repent when I fall short.
To YOU they are misdeeds. To ME they are a normal way of life. We all have different values, though mine aren't dictated by a book.

Name_Taken said:
The child would still be unfairly denied the possibility of both a mother and father in this situation.
The child isn't being unfairly denied. When adopted/born the child isn't making a request to whether which parent it would prefer, therefore it can't be denied a mother or father. A child deserves basic human needs which can be seen in Maslow's hierarchy of needs; Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No where does it say a MOTHER AND FATHER. Just FAMILY. In any dictionary family isn't defined to consists of a mother and father together. Also notice one of the needs is LACK OF PREJUDICE. Prejudice can be defined as any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence. Sounds a lot like someone I know huh...?


Jan 31, 2010
Subjectivity does not equate to falsehood.

The gays on this thread are subjective and bias as well, so are those who player hate on religion.

My arguements against gay marriage and adoption are secular, stop trying to simply dismiss them becuase of their authors religious affialiations, simply as a means of getting out of having to respond to them, which it would appear you are often unable to.
Yes, I agree with you. Although if evidence were presented in favour of your case, I would change my opinion to side with evidence. Would you do that if evidence was presented in favour of my case? By evidence, I mean studies presented in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, not Baptist Press.

Chances of actually getting pregnant are like 2% anyway... Its not like everytime you have sex you're going to have a baby, stop exaggerating the sacrifice expected of you.

And as I already established, your arguements of birth control are moot, as absintence is the most effective form of bith control there is, so argueing for birth control, would logically be supportive of promoting abstinence.
SACRIFICE!!? Did you say sacrifice? Hmm, that sounds suspiciously out of place in a supposed secular argument! And exactly whom is expecting this sacrifice? Okay, so you didn't like my unhealthy food analogy. So what if I declared that all driving is now condemned, effective immediately. This is will completely cut down on all driving related deaths. Ahh, but your Bible doesn't mention what to do about driving related deaths. Now, why could that possibly be?

If you require a constant stream of orgasm in order to justify your love for someone, I think that says something about how much you actually love them.
Sex 3-4 times a week is quite common in relationships. And orgasms aren't constant streams, although you wouldn't know that, would you? Having sex outside of marriage does not make it the sole peg upon which your relationship is pinned on. Honestly, can you stop jumping from one extreme to another?

There is more to preventing obesity than diet, excercise for exmaple. Simply abstaining in this sense will not eqaute to heathiness, however will increase a persons health ofc.

Sexual abstinence on the other hand is all that is required, to prevent STI infection and pregnancy.
Addressed above.

I never mentioned the Bible, in regards to abstinence in this context.

I simply argued that promoting it is the only method we can hope to reverse the sick, exploitive sexual culture which we have allowed to gain a stranglehold over our society.
You might not have mentioned the Bible, but your arguments have definitely stemmed from it. The means with which you justify such offensive, bigoted arguments lie in that very book. This culture is not by any means sick and exploitive. On the other hand, your religion is. Just look at the very methods they are using in Africa at this moment.

Yea... exactly, grass roots solution, not simply a cover up aimed at reducing consequences.
Yep, exactly. Speed cameras are only a cover up at reducing the consequences of driving, we need to instead rid the world entirely of it. I'm sure you wouldn't mind riding an ass, (pun intended) considering Jesus did.

And why can't it? Why can't we value self contorl and abstinence?

It is hardly impossible.
It's not impossible to do many things. But there really has to be a very good reason (not Bible orientated please) for brainwashing an entire culture. You have yet to provide one.

Promoting abstinence and condeming promiscuisity and sex outside of marriage does not infringe on anyones liberty.
I never said it did. But barring them from it? That's a completely different thing. Which, may I add, does infringe on other people's liberty.

Could you please not misquote me as well.


Apr 26, 2008
Err you seem to have misattributed my posts to durga >.<

They probably get many of them, things like the baby bonus or w/e it is called, and maternity leave etc.
Well i don't know the specifics, but these benefits are independent from marriage me thinks, the benefits we're talking about are supposedly for the children but only available when the couple is married (regardless whether they have children or not).

9 months is a fairly long time. It should give most couples enough time, I would think, to organise some funds (plus the additional support from goernment when they actually do have the child) to get things ready.
So these benefits should start at the beginning of these 9 months. Not just handed out like candy to to every hetrosexual couple for being a hetero sexual couple.

Yeah it could, as I said the system could be run differently, but regardless, the government is still endorsing the institution of marriage and the "trational" family.
Why should the government only support "Traditional Families" when homosexual families are just as capable.

And what exactly about granting gay couples the title of marriage and a handful of tax benefits (which they don't merit but anyway...) is going to encourage them to avoid these risky sex practises?
It's a fair enough point, we really don't know to what extant Marriage encourages Monogamy, unless there are some studies out there i don't know about.

But, do you personally believe that marriage promotes monogamy among heterosexuals?

If so, does it not seem true that it would promote monogamy in Gay couples?

Maybe so, but a few sleepovers or w/e is not going to give them the true experience of what it feels like to be raised, and loved by a mother and father.

Part of the thing, is for a child to see their mother and father care for each other and show affection. It teaches things like how members of the opposite sex should act towards one another (lets face it, most people are straight, so this is fiarly important), particularly for young males etc.
1.It's not just a few sleepover! Our entire society is overwhelmingly Heterosexual.

2. I've already shown that according to Major Scientific institutes that the claim that Children need both Mother and Father is unfounded

Here is a study

The entrenched conviction that children need both a mother and a father inflames culture wars over single motherhood, divorce, gay marriage, and gay parenting. Research to date, however, does not support this claim. Contrary to popular belief, studies have not shown that "compared to all other family forms, families headed by married, biological parents are best for children" (Popenoe, quoted in Center for Marriage and Family, p. 1). Research has not identified any gender-exclusive parenting abilities (with the partial exception of lactation). Our analysis confirms an emerging consensus among prominent researchers of fathering and child development. The third edition of Lamb's (1997) authoritative anthology directly reversed the inaugural volume's premise when it concluded that "very little about the gender of the parent seems to be distinctly important" (p. 10). Likewise, in Fatherneed,Pruett (2000), a prominent advocate of involved fathering, confided, "I also now realize that most of the enduring parental skills are probably, in the end, not dependent on gender" (p. 18).
What part of the article should I be looking at, there seems to be nothing here that relates to the point you're trying to make.

Perhaps a quote?

Its not like the sexes of the two parents are completely interchangeable variables, which will amount to the same end result.
Well i hoped you'd read the whole section "Parenting practices and children's outcomes.

But one bit i liked is

The American Psychological Association said:
Statements by the leading associations of experts in this area reflect professional consensus that children raised by lesbian or gay parents do not differ in any important respects from those raised by heterosexual parents. No credible empirical research suggests otherwise. Allowing same-sex couples to legally marry will not have any detrimental effect on children raised in heterosexual households, but it will benefit children being raised by same-sex couples

I would disagree, becuase the government is trying to encourage more hammer heads and handles to combine into hammers, since hammers meet a vital social interest.

Not only is the government giving extra rewards for hammers which, "hammer" things, but it is also expresing support for the institution itself (marriage).
But these electrical power drills can also meet this interest :)

Hmm on 2nd thought let's just drop this it's getting ridiculous.

This would be an acceptable arguement if homo couples were in fact equal to hetero couples, but the fact of the matter is they are not.
]A homo couple cannot concieve, and so, despite the natural desires of gays to be parents, they should be denied adoption priveldges in the interests of the child. A type of union which universally is unable to create children, should not be tasked with raising children.
You're appealing to nature again. Because Homosexuals cannot naturally procreate does not logically mean that they should not be allowed to raise children. It does not follow.

No they shouldn't, becuase if allowed to adopt, then it would only be as a fall back option reall for the government.

The government wants to endorse those relationships which meet this vital social purpose, procreation. Gays still cannot procreate, and such the government should continue to deny benefits to such couples.

That said, they porbably might qualify for support for the child directly anyway, support for schooling costs and the like etc etc.
I don't understand your objection, you think that an couple unable to procreate should recieve benefits for procreation?

If gays adopt then they are still not responsible for anything, since they did not bring the child into existence, but are parasitic on a heterosexual couple to do so.
Irrelevant lol

and why are adoptive Homosexual parasites, but Adoptive Heterosexual parents not parasites, in this case they're both relying on another couple.

Unless you hold that both couples are parasites. (i hope you don't)

Artificial conceiving should not be available for either gay or straight couples. Children are not commodities, to be ordered from a laboratory. That is sick.
What!? Really? Not even straights?


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
WOAH. You guys just completely shot down, bashed, pulverised Name_Taken and his arguement. He's gunna be up late tonight replying to all that :p


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
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some good lol's
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Feb 14, 2006
The fact that I opened this thread after I got home and everyone else had pulverized this guy and his bigoted filth so that I felt I didn't have to gives me renewed faith in humanity. Thanks guys.

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