Wow. I bet the SM wasn't very popular after that stunt!
I was joking around with our staff yesterday, and I said "I bet Coles has EVERY manager they have on a register hahhaha", minus one i now know

Everyone was freaking out, the customers were like vultures outside the roller doors, and they were watching like "what the fuck?!11".
It's a shame I got there in the last 20 minutes of it!
Oh by the way, lol. On Australia day, stores were only meant to open at 10am. We had our roller doors closed till about 8am when my STM goes:
"Stores aren't meant to open until 10am, but coles has their doors open so i'm going to open ours, idc, if we get told to close then i will close them again" - I loled
So much competition!! And last Sunday, the security wanted our roller doors closed on the DOT! They were standing there forcefully making us put them down, my duty manager was like "Have Coles closed theirs?!?!?????"