Unfortunately no. There is no point in appealing your ATAR.
The only possible solution in doing this is to get a lower ATAR then what you have been given.
Music scales much lower then your other subjects and although you have achieved a reasonably good mark if it were to be put in your ATAR it would drop it dramatically.
Also unfortunately because you scored under a mark of 71 in standard english your ATAR was scaled poorly.
If you had have made it to 75 or over you would have been scaled the same as advanced and you would have had a much higher ATAR. Because of being under this your ATAR dropped dramatically.
So here is my advice;
If you think you may have been done better then what you got in the english exam ( I know you are not saying this but I think this is your best shot to gain extras) get your paper re-checked. This way you may achieve a 75 and drastically improve in scaling.
However I realise how unlikely it is that you will obtain extra marks ( as this is very rare) so here is what I think you should do.
Look into flexible entry schemes.
I'm not sure what ATAR you actually recieved but if you are 5 marks under the ATAR cut off at Sydney University you may apply and still have a very good chance of getting in. They will look at your marks and then depending on avaliability of places accept or decline you. So that is one way of getting in.
UWS also has flexible entry schemes and will give you upto 10 points extra for good performance!! So that is worth a look into.
UTS, UNSW, UNCLE, UNE etc also offer flexible entry so this may be worth a look...
You may also gain extra points for going to your local uni. Many Universities give extra points if you attend it as a local. So check this out too.
You could also study one full year at uni, get good marks and transfer into the one of your preference.
I hope I have helped you in some way with these alternatives as I don't think you will find great success in appealing your ATAR and wish you the best of luck with entry.