What is the correct way to name a shape (series of points)? I have always thought you start with the point which is to the left, and name them in a clockwise direction...
This is generally what you do, but of course if the shape has points D, C, B and A it is conventional to start with the first one alphabetically ie A, then just go clockwise around the shape.
There is no 'correct' way, but I think top to bottom, left to right, is the most natural way for English speakers since that's how we read and write.
For example, a triangle with two rows of points, one at the top and two below, I would name the top point A (or whatever naming system you're using), then move down to the next row and label them B and C in the left to right order.
Oh yeah, good point. In the case of a square, when you refer to the square ABCD, it's implicit in that listing of vertices that there are edges between AB, BC, CD and DA, or written another way, (AB)CD, A(BC)D, AB(CD), A)BC(D.
So the left to right, top to bottom thing I suggested doesn't work in general. Sorry about that.