ye i drink it everyday, its wat gives you gratuitous amounts of energy with all new flavours like shocklate...chocolate energy, its like adding chocolate to an electrical storm!!!...sound the alarm, your going to be uncomfortably energetic!!! whats that guesss, you want strawberry will how about rawberry!!! lol
with lightening...real lightening!!
sports!!! araaaaaaaghhhh!!!! you'll be good at them, its an energy drink for men...MENERGY!!! lol
these arent your dance puns...these are energy puns...TURBO PUNS!! lol
science energy! science energy! electrolytes..turbolights...powerlights, more lights that your body has room for!!! lol
you'll be so fast that mother nature will be like, slooowwww dooowwwwn and you will be like FUCK U! and kick her in the face with your energy legs!!!
you'll have soo much energy..MENERGY! just running ALL THE TIME!!!
power running, power lifting, power sweeping, power dating, power eating, power laughing, power spawning babies! You will have soo many babies...400 BABIES!!! lol
give shocklate to your babies and they will be good in sports!!!
it can make your babies run..ABNORMALLY FAST!
They will run as fast as KENYANS!!! People will watch them running and think their KENYANS!!! they will race as fast as KENYANS!!! you can make a statue of KENYANS! And there will be a time when they get deported back to KENYA!!!
Hey go with the sure thing, dont gamble on your energy....Snake eyesssss!!!
try powerthirst..the energy that will make you...Arrraaghh!!!

drink up bosers
same for you Guesss lol