Looks like I'm a little late and missed out on the fun already.
Hi, Survivor39!

(If you still remember me.

) Hmm... the weird thing is that I'm visiting Cambridge this Friday

the first year organic chemistry lecturer (i forget his name but he was bald with white stringy hair and smelt of BO) was a bit hopeless at lecturing. Nice guy but the totally wrong approach.
That would be Prof. Bishop, and I completely agree with you on all accounts..
Oh, in a org chem lecture I heard that the school of chemistry is going to bring in the new academic specialising in medicinal chemistry next year
That is true.

From what I can tell we are really serious about the position and in bringing medicinal chemistry as a proper chemistry course, too. There were many contenders and they are mostly very very good chemists. (Note that a lot of them probably got a pay rise in their respective universities as a result of that - you can be the judge of what that means.

The structure is pretty much like medical chem...they just changed the name and want to absorb more students to take chem major...
To be fair, coming from someone who's usually very very cynical - I don't think that's the case. At least that isn't the major intention from what I can tell.
But I suspect still not too many ppl will do chem major...coz students thought chem is hard...
Unfortunately, you are right.
look at the 2nd yr organic chem mid-session exam...the mean is 19.5/40 which is a failure...some of my friends just dropped it after several weeks...
deadfishlol has pointed out, the mean really means nothing.

Also, having been through it and having been a demonstrator for that, it's really... not surprising.
hmm.. I think I'll need to revise resonance structure and all the first year organo reactions over summer.
This course would probably get a lot more attention from yr.12's than the Adv sci. major, which is rather vague tbh.
Rofl at the latter. I got scammed into Adv. Sci. program.
(but they tend to be extremely biased, and I'm talking from experience - lecturers tend to want 3rd years, so that they can attract them into their honours).
Not all of them do that, really.
If not, it is never too late to reconsider your career.
It's never too late - but planning ahead is very very important, particular if one decides to continue after undergrad.
Science involves alot of faith and hard work for little money and low job security.
If I don't do honors next year I seriously have no idea wtf I would do instead.... I mean seriously, wtf does a B. Med Sci qualify you to do?
If it's not too late, I think honours sounds like a good idea for you. It's a year of buffering if you haven't decided whether you really like research or not and it's one of those years that you usually gain from it regardless your final decision.
Edited: I only just realised that you've been encouraged to do it already. :x
- Professional poker player (jokes, although I'm making $100 - 200 a week at the moment).
Survivor has commented on the other ones the way I would have.

As for this last one - I think it's a fantastic backup plan. At least it sounds more reliable than my chocolate shop backup plan.
The alpha proton is acidic
Nucleophiles butt in from the ass end
Push arrows until complete
That was my way of remembering things