Ugh. My year group is going to drag me down, aren't they? A few people got like 20% in their Prelim. finals, maybe even lower. None of them have dropped the subject. :|
I don't care enough about scaling though. I find business a pretty interesting subject, and I enjoy being able to have
"business conversations" with my family, since everyone else has done Business-related study in the past. (and my lil bro is starting bus. studies course next year

Just had my first assessment task for the HSC. It was worth 15%. Business report. Planned. Not sure how I went...not nearly prepared enough, but when I entered the classroom I was just HIT with all these words and ideas, and they just kept on pouring. I ended up writing 7 pages in an hour, which is a big achievement for me...though, you have to account for the lists and diagrams...
Business Studies isn't my favourite subject, no where near, but I still really enjoy it. I don't find myself have to really buckle down to get the work done. Sometimes I'm out of motivation, but it's not like English where I have to stress non-stop about it. >_<