This exam was sooo easy, it was amazing...probably the best way to end the HSC.
the first section was bloody easy, deffinately got top marks for that.
I did 9/11 and living in a post 9/11 world for the Micro/Macro world and how it has placed me and my family and friends into a world where we fear certain cultures etc etc..
Change/Continuity was alright but I found India to be a bit annoying, I wrote like 4 pages for a 9 mark answer...eek but it was all relevant stuff.
Equality and Difference was a bit difficult, trying to understand question A and figuring out what exactly it wanted me to do.
Pop culture was EASY... "analyse your interactions with Popular Culture" I just wrote about my interactions with popular culture followng the CAGE formular of Consumerist products, Access ability, the growth of the culture and the evoloution of the culture.
I focused on Coca-cola, Internet and T.V. ...
I hope I did well