Yeah we are. I'd be lying if i said I wasn't nervous, hopefully we'll all get interviews but i'm doubting my chances. I think they'll send them at around 10:30pm or 11pm because they'll have to send it by today before 12am.Oh, are we supposed to be getting them today? :/
I'm scared to check my email now ><"
my only motivation to study atm is scholarships :/Gah.
If i don't get an interview, i hope it won't make me all depressed and hinder my study :/
The anticipation is killing me ><"yeah...
last year's got theres around 5pm
sigh..wonder whats taking them so long
I hope i get an interview!
gl to everyone
Yeah, same here. I don't know what i'd do if that was taken away... i guess we'll just have to wait and only motivation to study atm is scholarships :/
i would assume soDo they send rejection e-mails?
they're probably ordering chineselol, the funny part is it means they are working till 12am to get this done
I hope it is the interview info being updated, not the message itself.############## Login DISABLED. We have not uploaded Interview Information as yet - this will be updated by midnight tonight. Please DO NOT call us regarding this.################
thats whats going on anywhos
my manyou know what they are probably doing at the co-op office?
they are probably on bored of studies right now, just reading over this thread. and then they are like
person 1:"wow, these kids REALLY want the scholarship. they are so dedicated, staying at home on a friday night, postponing their studies just to find out if they got an interview or not."
person 2:"hey, we should give them the interviews"
person 1:"yea! forget these other people that have the best credentials"
and then they are like using the information in your profiles to track down your application and give you all interviews
so you see, stressing about not getting the interviews has actually gotten you the interviews you thought that you were not going to get in the first place
make sense?