1. I am against oppression of anyone
2. We shouldn't tolerate (as it hinds superiority, you tolerate a mosquitoes) you accept people
3. Well i don't really blame you this is classic western ignorance, and media influence. This is clearly taken out of context. In Islam, yes a fee can let you off, but only when the father and victim agrees to it, set by them, so your at their mercy, otherwise after a trial (yes a trial far before the ecclesiastical/kings/chancery courts of the west) where there is clear evidence the person is stoned to death (all abrahemic religions have similar penalties)
4. The victim can force the rapist to marry her, as long as she lives he can't leave her, she can divorce him though (and islam gives provisions for her to live independantly, far before the west).
5. God wants children so therefore when either the man or women wants children the partner has to oblige or are sinning. But the partner cannot force one another to have sex. These retards think that by blackmailing them to have sex that consent is still valid (do i need to further explain this flaw in logic, i don't think so), secondly by starving them they are failing in their duty to provide for their wife.
6. Western society superior? no, both are flawed due to man. simple. There are ways in which Islam is actually better than western culture, how? well interest free loans (cbf to explain) but it means no late fees, there are guarantees for the banks who loan, but a huge amount of people pay back, defualts are rare. Profits are still made. average people would nearly always take this, then why do banks not offer it, well greed, they make more via interest. Government do not need to set oficial interest rates via RBA rather wage constaints and taxation. Even the pope endorsed it. It would have meant that the GFC would have never occured.
7. 200 years ago Western society in it's ignorance just about destroyed the Aboriginal culture, yes it was worse than the westerminister system in some ways, but in others better, many judges commented on their 'noble savage' characteristics, in that they never saught revenge, after punishment was made (for detterence reasons), people walked away and didn't talk about it again
As again this is clearly Western ignorance, fueled my media propaganda and sensationalism, it works for rating, to create fear and anger, the most powerful emotions, such reactions will mean such persons will return to watch news in the future (or atlest that the phycological theory behind such actions).
I have trials so might not comment back for a while, but I just felt it an injustice to go by without trying to correct some wrongs. Thank you.