How would you rate Society and Culture as a subject? BTW my school performs really good in S&C. Should that be a contributing factor?
If your school is doing really well at S & C I'm guessing your teachers are pretty good as well. I would say this is a HUGE contributing factor (mainly the teacher part) for me personally about how passionate I can be about a subject, and ultimately how well I do.
Last year in S & C I loved it and my teacher allowed me to learn without even noticing, whereas my (new) teacher this year has been quite unhelpful and unethusiastic which sucks, to be honest.
Last year I'd rate it about 9/10 as a subject, this year about 8 or 7.5/10, mainly with difference in teacher.
The most important part is whether you're interested in it as well (even though I partly chose it because our school was doing really well in it and don't regret it

). For example I'm personally much more interested with the aspect of society from the perspective of people, rather than technology and machines, so I prefer social sciences and englishy subjects to sciences and maths at the moment.
I looked at your profile (in an entirely non stalkerish way

) to see what you're interested in and as you chose Science/ Biotechnology I'm not sure it's entirely your type of subject. Having said that, I do physics and whilst I don't always like it can be pretty interesting at times, and again I think it's about the teacher for me at least, even though they say not to choose your subjects based on that.
If you are genuinely interested in Economics/Business Studies/Legal Studies/ Psychology/ Sociology/Anthropolgy etc all mushed into one subject I would definitely suggest taking it if your school is doing well too, because you can do pretty well without trying *too* hard. As someone else mentioned the PIP can be pretty stressful, but if you've got useful teachers and stuff and have vague time management skills (and can maintain passion about an aspect of society for a few months!) I would not consider this a strong deterring factor (I pulled an all nighter for it just to finish footnoting before it was due, but I survived

Sorry if that was too rambly or anything, but hope that helped a teensy bit

Knowing your other subject choices might help a bit, but if all else fails you could just try it for the first few weeks and drop it if you don't like it, because you'll probably know by then whether you like it or not, and for me personally going to class (and asking older students about whether they liked it) was much more
helpful in deciding if it was the right subject for me than just reading names.
Okay, I'll shutup now