Okay okay, forgive me, I wasn't attempting to create some negative rant as a means of letting me say how horrible I think this year is etc. (though for some I guess it would be), - For me the HSC is challenging but I like school fine. But the actual system of it all; we spent all this time in junior years doing pointless busy work that doesn't provide skills expected for HSC.
And then, we do so many assignments and then we have exams, I just feel like it would be more beneficial is regards to our LEARNING if we only had to do one of the two instead of being under this constant stress of getting good marks. I guess a lot of you are just chasing a UAI number, and that's an appropriate goal, but come on, can't the Uni's do their own entry exams and the Higher School Cert. be completely different?
Don't get it? Okay go back to your UAI calculators.