Finally got all my results back:
English Advanced 93%
English Extension 92%
Ancient History 92%
Visual Arts 94%
Already posted my marks for Ext & Cont Japanese Assessment Task 1.
Lowest mark so far was from French Assessmen Task 1 (Reading and Writing) which was 88% I think. Got full marks for reading but writing.... :S
Pretty satisfied, especially since I crammed a week-ish before. Pissed that the VA half yearly wasn't assessable cuz a guy's beatin me in VA by luck :/ (Because I didn't do shit for my BOW yet... I should be ranked 1st though. Teacher agrees lol). Hope to get mid to high 90s in HSC exams though so I better start studying...
Just did my Assessment 2 tasks for French, and Japanese. Looking forward to the results (not so much French though. I apparently pwned the speaking but listening was...).
Edit: Thanks x.Exhaust.x and Jellybelly59

And Congrats to everyone that achieved satisfactory marks!