This is a far more interesting discussion.
Prostitution is completely legal in all states and territories of Australia.
Prostitutes generally report a substantial number of their clients are married men. Some prostitutes will report that the majority of their clients are married men.
Looking at it from the perspective of what it does to families/relationships, there is an argument to be made that it helps sexless marriages, where there is still love, but the wife has lost interest in sex, often due to medical, or biological issues. Is it fair for the wife to expect her husband to remain faithfull when she will never have sex with him again? The husband is able to fulfill his needs in a mutually agreeable fashion, and maintain the relationship with the women he loves. Otherwise the relationship would certainly break down.
This is not an uncommon example. Women refuse sex to partners, in otherwise loving marriages, particulary after menopause or childbirth. Prostitution is the saviour of the traditional marriage.
Regardless of the effect upon relationships, I believe it should be legal for reasons of indivdual liberty.
Prostitution is completely legal in all states and territories of Australia.
Prostitutes generally report a substantial number of their clients are married men. Some prostitutes will report that the majority of their clients are married men.
Looking at it from the perspective of what it does to families/relationships, there is an argument to be made that it helps sexless marriages, where there is still love, but the wife has lost interest in sex, often due to medical, or biological issues. Is it fair for the wife to expect her husband to remain faithfull when she will never have sex with him again? The husband is able to fulfill his needs in a mutually agreeable fashion, and maintain the relationship with the women he loves. Otherwise the relationship would certainly break down.
This is not an uncommon example. Women refuse sex to partners, in otherwise loving marriages, particulary after menopause or childbirth. Prostitution is the saviour of the traditional marriage.
Regardless of the effect upon relationships, I believe it should be legal for reasons of indivdual liberty.