I was always an Eevee or Mudkipz man.
lol ahh pokemon, how i miss the days, i remember it back in primary school everyone was crazed about it they full bring all there pokemon cards and trade and the aim was to rip people off hahaha i loved that i was very good at it hahah lol
then they banned them and we werent allowed to trade pokemon cards again haha
yeah the episodes, i remember them, how nostalgic *sigh* lol , i remember when i use to watch it on cheese tv, that and dragonballz were the two combinations id watch, haha those were the days
and i remember the games, i played red, blue, yellow, silver, and crystal and finished them all, i use to love the rare candy cheat and glitches of the missingno hahah on the blue/red versions, it fucked my games up once hahaha catching one of them with a master ball lol
and omg i remember the syd uni pokemon expo, that was wicked, all these kids had mad shiit with them lol
and i remember the pokemon expos to get mew and celebi hahaha
and the list can go on, i was seriously a crazed pokemaniac, or pokemon freak/addict lol