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which two should i do, biology, hospitality, ancient history, cafs (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 16, 2022
hi, i have until Friday to change subjects, so any help would be appreciated

currently doing:

Spanish beginners
society and culture
textiles and design
TAFE fashion design
English standard

also bio and ancient history, but i don't know if i should change to hospitality and CAFS instead?? mainly cause bio and ancient are quite content heavy i've heard, and i have trouble remembering lots of info, reading lots and writing (ADD) not really worried about atar too much as i haven't decided if i wanna go to uni. also if i do hospitality is food and beverage better, or kitchen operations and cookery better? I'm interested in baking , so is that involved? thought about food tech but not really interested in the food theory:(

i also wanna have 14 units so if in a couple of weeks i decide i hate one i can just drop it.

(also new to this so sorry if i did anything wrong lol)
i know its a lot of questions but thanks:)


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
If you feel that the content of Biology and Ancient History may be overwhelming, you may wish to choose Hospitality and Community and Family Studies as a possibly less content-heavy alternative. Of course, the best way to determine whether this is the case (i.e. make an informed decision) is to take both Biology and Ancient History and as you progress through year 11, decide whether to keep Biology and/or Ancient History. However, if you feel that you are personally more interested in taking Hospitality and Community and Family Studies, then you should probably take those two subjects instead.

You may already be aware that only 2 units of Category B subjects can count towards your ATAR. If you wish to be eligible for an ATAR, you need to ensure that at least 8 of your units are comprised of Category A subjects (i.e. English Standard plus 3 Category A subjects). Category A subjects are the standard subjects that are taken by the majority of students. In your case, Category A subjects include:
  • Spanish Beginners
  • Society and Culture
  • Textiles and Design
  • English Standard
  • Biology
  • Ancient History
  • Community and Family Studies
In your case, Category B subjects include:
  • Hospitality
  • TAFE Fashion Design (While I believe this would be a Category B subject, I am not fully aware of its nature, meaning that this is something that you may wish to have confirmed).
If not being eligible for an ATAR is not problematic, then you are free to combine Category A and Category B subjects as you please.

I hope this helps! 😄

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