both english exams
i feel like i could very easily forget my stuff, not be able to answer the question, end up getting a pointless question where it doesnt seem like you could realistically explore your texts ("pretend youre some guy doing some interview with some other guy which will appear in next months edition of Some Magazine. Discuss the significance of plant growth and how it relates to physical journey") and could quite quickly go from being able to write a band 5 response to writing complete crap in a desperate attempt to get some words on the page.
also ancient history, my teacher says my writing should get me a band 5-6 but i didnt have enough sources (my head was completely blank during the trials) and that ended up pulling me down to band 1-2s. damn criterias and their specific requirements!
argh, i should have picked another science and maybe try for maths 3u. humanity subjects are not cool.