Brooo, RIP my guy. I used to be in your exact position where I went to Ngo & Sons for English for like 2 years on and off. (Joined 1 term, left 1 term, joined 2 terms, left 1 year, etc.)
Tbh, as soon as I started thinking externally and more about the costs and time going into this English tutoring place, I dropped English tutoring SOOOO fast, like no joke. Any form of PUBLIC English tutoring is a waste since they provide resources, but so can the internet, BoS, teacher, older students, etc.
I'll give you some leniency if you found it fun in years 8-9 or 10. I did find it fun in year 9, ngl lol.
If you want tips, drop English tutoring for Ngo & Sons as it gets bland after year 9, decide if you REALLY need tutoring for English (As in private since it's very expensive for a good wan), and you're not in year 11 so maybe think longer. I don't do English tutoring because
1) Doesn't relate to my future university interests
2) My teacher provides a lot of resources
3) English tutoring made me feeling lazy when studying English myself, so I had to catch up on my own instead of relying on other people guiding me/providing feedback.
If you like English/100% need help with it/Aligns with future Uni choices, definitely invest time into finding the right one, whether it be online or far distance, because its good to stick with one.
Forgive me for being a bit biased but Ngo & Sons got famous from their Mathematics Course, not English.
Its annoys me how much money my parents put into something that felt like a burden, when I don't want other people to waste their time/resources, without 100% understanding whether they need english or just because it "feels right".
Anwyays, if you need more assitance/guidance, lmk.