i, Liz.
In degree mode, the calculator is essentially replacing the sine
function with a different function whose argument is a number of
degrees. If we call this new function sind, we can define it as
sind(x) = sin(pi/180 x)
since to calculate it we have to convert x degrees to radians and then
take the actual sine.
Take the derivative of this with respect to x, and you get
d/dx sind(x) = pi/180 cos(pi/180 x)
= pi/180 cosd(x)
Of course, what the calculator calls the cosine is now really this
"cosd" function.
Does that help? This also explains why we use radians when we do
calculus. Like many things mathematicians do, this makes everything
- Doctor Peterson, The Math Forum
Why do we have to learn radians, when we already have perfectly good degrees? Because degrees, technically speaking, are not actually numbers, and we can only do math with numbers. This is somewhat similar to the difference between decimals and percentages. Yes, "83%" has a clear meaning, but to do mathematical computations, you first must convert to the equivalent decimal form, 0.83. Something similar is going on here (which will make more sense as you progress further into calculus, etc).
The 360° for one revolution ("once around") is messy enough. Why is the value for one revolution in radians the irrational value 2π? Because this value makes the math work out right. You know that the circumference C of a circle with radius r is given by C = 2πr. If r = 1, then C = 2π. For reasons you'll learn later, mathematicians like to work with the "unit" circle, being the circle with r = 1. For the math to make sense, the "numerical" value corresponding to 360° needed to be defined as (that is, needed to be invented having the property of) "2π is the numerical value of 'once around'."