Video games teaching history. Help refining my topic to fit the key questions. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Dec 18, 2012
Okay so i'm trying to extract a proper topic from my broad idea of what I want to do for the investigation. I need to properly link it to the four key questions:
- Who are the historians?
- What are the purposes of history?
- How has history been constructed and recorded over time?
- Why have approaches to the construction of history changed over time?

My general ideas are; the way we can use video games as a medium to tell & teach history, or the underlying bias towards the U.S in video games depicting war.
My ideas are just too Society & Culture and not enough Ext. History.

As more of an understanding of my idea; the way in which the growth of the video game industry can be used to educate youth about history. Games such as the 'Civilization' series have been used to some effect to teach youth about ancient societies such as Rome, and the same can be applied through games portraying more modern historical events, specifically WW2. For example (digressing from WW2), more children now know the name Fidel Castro because of 'Call of Duty: Black Ops', and a small percentage of players will have taken the time to research him on their own.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
You've probably already decided by now, but some include:
- the way history has been constructed through video games over time (maybe choose WWI or WWII or another war)
- maybe why video game developers portrayed war in their biased ways (perhaps to appeal to a nationalistic audience?)

I am not sure if the markers in general, however, would appreciate essays on video games. You never know if they might not take it seriously. But who knows? If you write a great essay, it'll probably get great marks.

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