k, techniques and their effects... considering that carefully, lear enters scene 4 act 6 between lines 93 and 94, and his cue comes after edgar says his piece. he claims to be the king, and that none can touch him. clearly delirious in his anger as he has given his rule to goneril and regan. but it's his rambling of mixed emotions that casts a strange light of insanity over him. the fact that he utters random gibberish is a good indication dont u think?! he talks about his lack of authority in lines 106-112. furthermore he answers Gloucester; as Gloucester remarks at his recognition of lear's voice; reminiscing over the days when he was a king in the king's courts!... i can only recite the scenes in contemporary language as yet, im not sure how to delve into techniques but i've run out of time for the now... i'll look ointo it 4 you and i'll come up with an answer for you another time... sorry
and sorry i took so long to respond in teh first place.. things have been busy... best wishes... -mittens